128 | Zoom Fatigue, Racial Tensions & the Needed Upgrade (Wayne Francis)


We’re on a mission to add LIFE to the dad life. We’re passionate about helping dads live fully alive as they lead their kids to God’s awesomeness.  | YouTube |  Instagram | Facebook | Twitter


  • Join a team of 100 dads biking 100 miles and raising $100,000 for the fatherless locally and globally.

  • OUR MISSION: End fatherlessness globally. Every child with a man they can call father. (Malachi 4:6a “He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents”)

  • VISION: We ignite a father’s calling by connecting him body and soul with the cause of the fatherless and the heart of the Father. FATHERS FOR THE FATHERLESS will change your life by forcing you to look past yourself. We’re going to push ourselves, cycling 100 miles, in response to our Heavenly Father’s heart for the Fatherless.

  • DATE: Saturday, August 29, 2020

  • MORE INFO:http://bit.ly/F4F2020

Wayne Francis

Wayne and Claudene, who he calls “Classy”, have been married for 20 years and have two beautiful teenage daughters, Haleigh and Ryleigh. Wayne loves to cycle and takes great pleasure in turning any floor into a dance floor. Wayne and Claudene Francis lead the New York location of The Life Church.

Conversation Notes:

  • 1:24 - DA Foundations - 4-Hours of Intentional Fatherhood - We're hosting the 3rd round of DA Foundations and it's a Zoom online cohort on Thursdays (starts a week from tomorrow) from 9-10pm. This is a FREE 4-week group that unpacks the 4 keys to adding LIFE to the dad life. You've got to register and we're asking all the dads who join us to try to attend at least 3 out of the 4 dates... Here's the outline of the content and the RSVP form. Please register by July 7th.

  • 1:50 - FATHERS FOR THE FATHERLESS - http://bit.ly/F4F2020

  • 2:45 - DA DAILY - we are focussing the 31 days of July on Dad Wisdom from the 31 chapters of Proverbs. If you want to join us for a daily text, just text "dad" to the number 77222

  • 6:47 - Plants and Pillars message on Father’s day - Psalm 144:12 - May our sons flourish... like well-nurtured plants. May our daughters be like graceful pillars…

  • 7:50 - “Great daughters and great sons are not called out, they are carved out,...which means that you’re chiseling something over time and your polishing and finessing, so it’s a work of art when you’re a dad that happens as a process of time.”

  • 8:28 - “Asking a question is better than making a statement. Questions shape character more than just statements.”

  • 9:05 - How he has chosen to parent differently from his dad, and what he has done the same.

  • 10:46 - Experiencing “reverse intimacy” with his father.

  • 13:21 - Mistake when parenting his daughters

  • 15:45 - Exposing our kids to the pain of the world so that they can develop a heart of empathy. Having conversations about justice with our kids.

  • 16:48 - “I think it’s very important right now to give your children the capacity to see beauty and diversity. That their relationships are flourishing from a very young age with kids that are of a different color. That they are getting to see exactly what it looks like to be in a multiplicity of cultural diversity that’s going to impact the type of humans they’ll be two or three generations down the road.”

  • 17:29 - Diversifying books and resources from a young age

  • 18:40 - Talking to his kids about how to react when experiencing micro aggression

  • 19:55 - “The condition of the soul is always at the tip of the tongue.”

  • 20:45 - Zoom fatigue analogy for having conversations around race.

  • 23:52 - Discussing injustice. “Your kids will never react to what they don’t see you reacting to.”

  • 24:41 - “Black fist white knuckles” sermon series.

  • 25:36 - “I’m trying to raise pillars not pillows.”

  • 27:04 - “Love doesn’t get laryngitis.”

  • 28:23- How to be an ally.

  • 29:40 - “You need to be the type of man that you’re going to be happy walking your daughter down the aisle to. Because you are the only one that’s going to shape that image.”

  • 30:35 - “Daughters and sons don’t grow in bad soil...am I the type of man that I would want my daughters hanging out with if there was nobody else around?”

  • 31:11 - Wayne’s prayer for dads.



129 | Calling Out Greatness & Walking through Grief (Scott Wilson)


127 | Father's Day Mic Flip (Jeff Zaugg)