130 | Getting the Focus Off Ourselves (Josh Turner)

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We’re on a mission to add LIFE to the dad life. We’re passionate about helping dads live fully alive as they lead their kids to God’s awesomeness.  | YouTube |  Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Josh Turner

In his role with OneHope, Josh shares stories of God’s Word transforming lives in the next generation with North American churches. Understanding that each church has a unique call to missions, he works with each to find the intersection between what God has called them to in their local context to how that overlays around the world. Whether it is church planting, evangelism, digital, or a combination thereof, he uses his understanding of OneHope programs to match churches with programs that speak to the heart of their church. With ministry happening in over 100 countries, there is a place for each church in North America to participate in reaching our vision of “God’s Word. Every child.” Josh is a graduate of Florida State University and for 15 years served the local church as a church pastor and planter. He currently lives in Atlanta with his wife, Becca and two children: Ayden and Riley.

Conversation Notes:

  • 2:15 Bible app for kids

  • 6:32 - “It really forced me down some dark times. I tell people I had a lot of dark nights of the soul. So many times people think it’s not ok to have those. It’s not ok to wrestle.”

  • 7:40 - “It is a constant wrestling. There are good days and bad days…...it doesn’t matter how much I love Jesus, how much faith I have, when you hand your daughter off for that type of surgery, I was scared, and it’s hard. And it’s ok for it to be hard…..So many people made us feel crazy….and they want to be encouraging and they want to help but it’s almost like they aren’t giving you permission to suffer and to struggle.”

  • 8:40 - “We’ve found in those dark, hard places, those are the places where you meet God. And those are the places you come to a new relationship and a deeper relationship with him.”

  • 9:40 - “We’ve just learned those dark nights, they’re hard, and you have permission to walk through those and suffer.”

  • 10:08 - video clip of his daughter singing not today -

  • 11:08 - Discussing his daughter’s faith and focus on others

  • 13:34 - Book: Raising a Modern Day Knight

  • 14:15 - Discussing an idea he had to have all the men in his life write his son letters.

  • 16:00 - Watching his daughter leverage her disability to help other people.

  • 16:28 - Jason laird - interviewing his daughter on FB live on how to walk through suffering -

  • 18:06 -Joy comes from living for others .

  • 18:43 - Quote from Rob Hoskins: “When you’re squeezed, what is inside of you comes out.”

  • 19:17 - “When we go through hard times or we go through trials or we go through struggles, how am I modeling this for my kids? And not only how am I modeling for my kids, but how are we as a family what we do, still putting the gospel and others forward?”

  • 20:20 - Being proactive in serving other families right now.

  • 20:54 - “I think that there is something that happens in your heart that I can’t fully articulate that when you are not focused on yourself, God has a way of caring for you as you care for other people.”

  • 22:00 - Disciplines during Covid: Working out, Getting ready in the morning (even working from home),

  • 24:33 - The Dusty Ones by AJ Swoboda - Book about how wandering in the seasons of trial and hardship deepen our faith.

  • 25:00 - setting up routines and rhythms during quarantine.

  • 26:05 - dadAWESOME ideas for Quarantine Youtube Playlist

  • 31:00 - Perspective on parenting a child with special needs.

  • 31:40 - “It is a physical, mental, emotional cost to love her, and I love her very much and she is amazing, but it is a cost to me. And I was praying about that and I felt the holy spirit say to me, ‘now you know what it’s like for me to love you.’”

  • 36:15 - Speaking to dads in a younger season, what’s the kryptonite that can cause pain to a marriage/kids?

  • 37:14 - Realizing how much he gave to ministry that he didn’t give to his kids.

  • 38:10 - “If we can figure out as fathers how to not bring work stress and anxiety home and into the family dynamic, I think that is kryptonite.”

  • 39:20 - “Don’t allow the distractions to take you from the family that needs your attention.”

  • Help us spread the word to other dads - include links to all the social





131 | Winning The War Within (Jason Vallotton)


129 | Calling Out Greatness & Walking through Grief (Scott Wilson)