139 | Fostering, Developing a Non-Anxious Presence & Loving Without Limits (Josh Carney)


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Josh Carney

Josh is married to Lindsay and they are raising six kids ages 13 down to 6 including two foster kids. He is the lead pastor of University Baptist Church in Waco, TX.

Conversation Notes:

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  • 4:32 - Connecting as a family

  • 6:05 - Acknowledging seasons where it's more difficult to connect with our kids

  • 7:45 - The struggle to show up emotionally to the kids. Connecting with emotions and being future-oriented.

  • 10:45 - Takeaways from his dad.

  • 12:23 - Bringing a non-anxious presence to every area of life

  • 13:35 - How to help our kids have a deep level of trust with us when they are in college.

  • 15:35 - Wanting to be a dad who can stay calm, melt the layers of his child's heart, and then pray for them.

  • 17:10 - Taking our child seriously, speaking to our child as an adult is a subtle form of validation

  • 18:16 - A valley moment that led to an "aha."

  • 21:00 - Being taken seriously as a teenager and how that has influenced his parenting.

    • Partnership with Connected Families.  Discipline that Connects with Your Child’s Heart (Book & Course)

    • 8-Part Parenting course that starts on Oct 6.

    • Use the code: "AWESOME" to Save 15% on the registration fee.

    • https://connectedfamilies.org/dtc/small-groups/

    • 21:35 - On foster parenting

    • 22:19 - "storge" - Affection type of love - talked about by C.S. Lewis - The Four Loves

    • 22:35 - Foster parenting and loving without limits

    • 26:40 - Discussing fostering and anxiety, adopting a posture that says, "I can't open and close these doors, I can just be faithful."

    • 26:58 - A dad mistake - Using a violent action to make a point that was more harsh than called for in that moment.

Conversation Links:


140 | Dangerous Wonder (Jeff Zaugg)


138 | The Trust Edge. Applying 8 Pillars of Trust to the Dad Life (David Horsager)