171 | Living On Mission with Nick Hall


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Nick Hall

Nick Hall is the visionary of Together, author of the book Reset, and the Founder and Chief Communicator for Pulse. As an evangelistic voice to this generation, Nick Hall has shared the Gospel at hundreds of events to more than five million people and is regularly featured as a speaker for pastors gatherings, student conferences, training events, and festivals around the world.Nick is also the President and CEO of The Table Coalition and sits on the board of the National Association of Evangelicals. He has been featured on major media outlets including the Huffington Post, USA Today, Fox News, US News & World Report, Washington Post, Christianity Today, Moody Radio, Christian Broadcasting Network, Trinity Broadcast Network, and The Christian Post.Nick is married to his best friend, Tiffany, and they are proud parents of Truett, Ruby, and Jude. They live in Minneapolis, MN. Nick has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from NDSU and a Master’s in Leadership and Christian Thought from Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN.


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Show Notes:

  • 2:21 - Join the momAWESOME Challenge - Daily texts for 9 days leading up to Mother's day - Text "mom" to 651-370-8618.

  • 3:13 - Pulse https://pulse.org/ - Exists to make Jesus known

  • 6:47 -  On looking for young evangelists to mentor. "I've lost a lot of mentors and heroes. And then in that, at some point you kind of open your eyes. You're like, wait, I'm not just the one that's supposed to receive anymore. Like, man who who is coming after me."

  • 10:25 -  "You know, like I have told people all around the world about how God loves you and that it's this free gift. But I have consistently tried to earn it"

  • 10:39 - "I think it's true for a lot of us as dads, or just people trying to make it, is like...the starting blocks in track. And I think a lot of people's starting blocks are guilt and shame. And you're pushing off to prove others wrong or you're pushing off to show people that you are enough. But I think it's like learning to rest in the fact that I'm enough, because my Father says I am. I'm enough because of what Jesus did for me, I am the beloved son of God."

  • 12:39 - Description of prayer from the book The Life of the Beloved - "Prayer is being quiet enough to hear the good things that God says about you."

  • 16:55 - What does it look like to live on mission? Why is it important for dads to live with deep conviction?

  • 18:23 - "The mission that I'm on is are we living our life to point people to Jesus or does our life look like everybody else's?"

  • 19:55 -  "But I do just think that there's this exciting opportunity that we have to change our neighborhoods to change the sports teams our kids are on, you know, to claim the ground beneath our feet and to welcome our family into that mission as well."

  •  20:22 - Pulse Resources https://pulse.org/

  • 22:48 - Learning from his dad

  • 27:25 - "And I just think, like, there's always somebody who's doing what you want to be doing or somebody who you would like to look more like. Right? And so for me, I just think, one of the secrets of life is... getting around people who are a step ahead... Who are further down the road... who can help you see your blind spots."

  • 32:00 - "I think the biggest thing that we all need individually is just like am I personally being connected to the word of God, the spirit of God, the people of God. Because if I don't have an inflow, if I don't have an inflow from truth from God, if I don't have an inflow of truth from my community, and if I don't have an inflow of somebody kind of helping me see through this, personally, I feel really lost. Right? And so those are just be three things that that I think are super crucial lifelines."

  • 32:36 - "I think the the greatest challenge of being a parent is realizing and letting God parent you. And, you know, the best way to love your kids is to realize that you're the beloved son of God."

Episode Links:

Full Transcript: 

Episode 171 Transcript


172 | Family Discipleship - Raising Kids the World Will Hate (Adam Griffin)


170 | Intentional Letters, Heart Connection & A Vision For 50 Grandkids (Dr. Joe Sevlie & Tyler Sevlie)