210 | It's Gonna Be Great! (Derick Zwerneman)


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Derick Zwerneman

With a life of unique experiences, Derick has served as a husband to 1, father to 3, a firefighter for 25 years, outreach pastor for 9 years, and a network development leader for a disaster relief network for 3 years! He has never met a stranger, and the Joy of the Lord is his strength! His passion is connecting people, and his experiences in emergency services and leading teams. Combining the two is what he does to make connections to further the kingdom of God! Life Quote: "It's Gonna Be Great!"

Show Notes:

  • 2:27 - "We are NOT a family that are going to be influenced by our surroundings, we're going to influence our surroundings. And you probably heard over and over again, we're not going to be the thermometer as the thermostat. Not in a way of arrogance, but in a way of we're confident"
  • 3:06 - "If you don't come in with the confidence of knowing that you have control over the situation because you have Christ in you."
  • 4:25 - "Looking back, there was a turning point in that which was incredible. And it's, you know, due to an incredible wife, I've got to give her all the credit. You know, as far as like literally throwing a Bible hit me in the back of the head with Psalm 127"
  • 6:19 - "it's those little drops of what you do that your kids are picking up as you walk through life."
  • 9:16 - James 1:2-4 - "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
  • 12:25 - "there's things that life are going to. Throw at us as fathers, and we can either take those on our shoulders, let them waist down and just get buried in them, conveying that spirit that hard into our children, right? Or we can take a couple of minutes for a walk in the door. Throw that stuff down, give it to God, say, man, I'm going to. I'm going to pray that this does build endurance and strength in me. But right now I've got a family to lead"
  • 16:22 -  The vision of the straight line.and an intersecting squiggly lines that kept coming across that middle line.
  • 25:53 - "You may have a knee jerk reaction to like go to the worldly way of dealing with it. But it was in that moment there was like, OK, God, this is the talk that's got to happen, and dad's the one that gets to do it."

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Conversation Transcript

Coming Soon!


211 | Kids Need to Explore Dangerous Stuff Safely (Seth Dahl PART 1)


209 | Crazy Cool Family (Don Manning)