240 | Raising Respectful Kids Through a Relationship of Trust and Love (John Odom)

Key Takeaways

  • Choose your wife well.

  • We can do things differently than our parents, not out of spite, but desiring to want what Jesus wants.

  • Bring real faith into your home and around your children.

  • The Holy Spirit and your parenting should allow your children to feel confident in their faith.

  • Rules without relationship equals rebellion. -Josh McDowell


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John Odom

Dr. John H.L. Odom, Jr. is a board-certified medical doctor who specializes in sports medicine and he founded Odom Health & Wellness back in 2006 in an effort to help people live life to their fullest potential. Ministry, medicine, and the mission field were all passions that came together to shape Dr. Odom’s entire career spanning the past 3 decades. Dr. Odom has a deep desire to help people through their entire lifespan, as well as a dedication to teaching future generations. Dr. Odom enjoys serving a large variety of patients, from inner city kids to Olympic athletes and everything in between. In his spare time, Dr. Odom enjoys spending time with his family, and practicing what he preaches by staying active participating in marathons, triathlons, cross country skiing and downhill skiing. In 2017 Dr. Odom completed his first Iron Man Triathlon putting him in an elite category of endurance athletes. 

F4F Sponsors

  • Aleph Holdings -- Active investors and operators in small to medium-sized trades companies and real estate development. https://www.alephholdings.com/

  • Alpha & Omega Wealth Strategies - We work with our clients to help them reach their financial goals by creating strategic, unique, and flexible financial plans to protect the people and things they care about most. http://alphaomega.nm.com/

Key Quotes

  • 13:05 - "And so that idea of making an organic... rhythm of your life is what I think we modeled through these ministries growing up in that what we aim to bring in our families... we make it every day, all that we did."

  • 20:55 - "There's a ton of parallels between the two (doing something physical and fatherhood.) You know, we could talk all day about these parallels. It does require a degree of toughness, at least a decision to be tough. You know, fathering is not for wimps. It's maybe one of the toughest challenges you'll have to do, but obviously the most worthwhile challenge you will also do."

  • 26:21 - "But what we're saying by inoculation is that it is good to give them one, a taste of the real thing, so real faith in your home. So that can grow, grow food in their heart. So one, give them a taste of the real thing, really practice what you preach...  mentor and be that example. And then two... to expose them to things within your house, expose them to ideologies within your house, expose them to contrary thoughts within your house, bring people into your house who are not like you, who don't look like you, who don't think like you, who may not even act like you might not even like them."

Full Transcript

Episode 240 Transcript

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241 | Nothing to Prove, Nobody to Impress (Jeremiah Curran)


239 | Being Still and Letting God Love You (Ken Helser: Part 2)