244 | The Fat Fueled Family (Danny Vega)

Key Takeaways

  • God has purpose for your children.

  • Take responsibility, for what steps you need to take, to meet your next goal.

  • Create traditions with your family.

  • Write your goals down and share them with someone you trust.

  • We can't tell our children to do anything we won't do.


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Danny Vega

Danny grew up in Miami, Florida has been interested in nutrition and fitness from a young age. He received his bachelor’s degree from Columbia University and was a member of the football team and a three-time Dean’s List recipient. He then received his Master’s of Science in Human Performance from the University of Florida, where he worked with multiple athletic programs. He went on to become the Strength & Conditioning coordinator for VCU basketball, helping the Rams win the 2007 conference championship and making it to the second round of the NCAA tournament. The Vega family uses there platform, Fat Fueled Family, to educate their audience on the importance of nutrition and using your body for good.

Key Quotes

  • 12:21 - "I just think of King Hezekiah.... give me some more time... and there were people interceding... we see when when people intercede, things change. God shows His mercy."

  • 14:47 - "We always tell people when it comes to their health and the way they eat, we're not trying to force them to eat perfectly. We're trying to educate them. We also we put them in an environment where they're going to win."

  • 31:52 - "If you do not keep your word to yourself, it creates a vicious cycle and it makes it easier and easier. And then you have self-loathing. You think you're a terrible person because you ate the wrong thing or you didn't do something. And that's just in my mind, that's the enemy whispering in people's ear."

Full Transcript

Episode 244 Transcript

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245 | Prioritize the Priceless (Jay Bennett)


243 | "The Man Up Club" (Korey "XROSS" Dean)