267 | Becoming Spiritually Courageous, Emulating Christ's Honor, and Passing the Torch to Your Children (Tony Rorie)

Honor changes everything. It can take you from distant to present, from indifferent to significant, and from passive to passionate. In today's episode, Tony Rorie shares the practical steps you can take to become a man of honor and transform your family.

Key Takeaways

  • Take the dare to have a weekly devotional with your family where you pray, worship, and read scripture together. 

  • First thing in the morning, do the thing you're most afraid to do.

  • Biblical instruction and modeling Christlike manhood will transform children. 

  • Honor changes everything. It can take you from distant to present, from indifferent to significant, and from passive to passionate.

Tony Rorie

Tony Rorie is the founder of the award-winning Men of Honor character education program used in schools, churches, and recreation centers across the U.S. and the world. He and his wife, Melissa, have been married for 32 years and have four adult children.

Key Quotes

  • 4:46 - "The most important thing that I would dare you to do is have a have a weekly devotional with your family, separate from your church experience, where you get together and read the word of God and pray for one another and worship together. And I know for for many men, praying even with their wives, seems like a daunting task, and they feel intimidated with doing it. But man, I dare you just to just start a family devotional, be the spiritual architect and leader in your home and start out simple."

  • 5:56 - "I dare you to go go overboard in your affirmation of your kids, you know, of the great things that you see and want to see. The Bible says that that God inhabits the praises of His people. So as we praise our kids and praise our wife and just spend time just giving them affirmation, I promise you, you cannot give them enough affirmation from what the world will take out of them."

Full Transcript

Episode 267 Transcript

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268 | Developing Self-Control, Designing a Family Culture, and Prioritizing Connection with Your Kids (Danny Silk: Part 1)


266 | Owning Our Responsibilities as Fathers so We Can Provide Safety, Security, and Love to Our Children (Marquess Dennis)