273 | Saying Yes to Foster Care, Embracing Adoption, and Changing Generations (Stephen Hogue)

Stephen Hogue and his wife adopted ten children within ten years, and they cared for many more children in foster care along the way. In this episode, Stephen will encourage you to look at adoption—and your identity in Christ—in a new way.

Key Takeaways

  • There is power in one family saying “yes” to a child who needs a home, whether temporarily or permanently. 

  • The legal aspect of adoption is a picture of salvation.

  • The most important role of a father is affirmation. 

  • If you know who you are in Christ, nothing and no one can take away your joy or identity. 

Stephen Hogue

Stephen Hogue is the executive director of OneFamily, a ministry that equips and empowers foster families through wholehearted community support. He and his wife, Sandra, have been married for 25 years and are adoptive parents to 10 children. 

Key Quotes

  • 22:03 - "The spirit of adoption, the legal aspect of adoption is a picture of salvation. And so believe it or not, if you think about it, Jesus went to court, stood before the Judge of the universe and said, Here's an orphaned planet that I want to adopt."

  • 33:04 - "I see insecure, easily triggered, not confident men. And what God's calling us to be as men is not arrogant, I heard this word, Godfident, it's confident in who God made you to be and secure. Secure is I don't even need my wife to be who He is and that's the principle that has changed me. I don't need anybody. not a president, not a politician, not my wife, not my kids, not my pastor, no one to be who He is. If I'm good with Him and I know who I am and who He says I am, no matter what you do to me, it's not going to take my joy because I'm already good."

Full Transcript

Episode 273 Transcript

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274 | Being a Present Dad in Four Areas, Honoring Others, and Fighting Fatherlessness (David Hirsch)


272 | One Second of Strength, Being Present, and 5 Books Every Parent Should Read (Tanner Clark)