275 | Speaking Blessings Over Your Kids, Having a 10-Year-Old Adventure, and Fasting for Breakthroughs (Justin Hanneken)

The words you say to your children have power. In this episode, Justin Hanneken shares how and why to speak blessings over your children. He also shares strategies for modeling missions to your family, pressing into prayer, and fasting for a breakthrough. 

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Key Takeaways

  • Take your children on a 10-Year-Old Adventure so they can live their faith outside the walls of the church. 

  • The words “always” and “never” become curses when you speak them negatively toward your children. 

  • You can ask your spiritual father for his blessing over you. 

  • When your children come to you with hurt or challenges, seize the moment to speak life into them. 

  • Physical hunger can reveal spiritual hunger for believers of all ages.

Justin Hanneken

Justin Hanneken and his wife, Karena, have been married for 18 years and have 5 children. Justin serves as the executive director of Ends of the Earth Cycling, which has hosted 34 Christ-centered cycling tours that have raised over $1 million for global youth ministry. 

Key Quotes

  • 29:09 - "Prayer is our first work. So basically, as Christians, we want to serve the Lord, we want to do things for God. But a lot of times we just jump right into those things and we haven't spent time in prayer. And so for dads that are listening, I just want to encourage you, pray for your family daily, pray for your your family by name."

  • 34:30 - "If you're a follower of Jesus, he says in the New Testament, when you fast and then He talks about what we should do. It's not if you fast, it's basically assume that if you're Christian, fasting is going to be part of what you do."

Links From Today's Conversation

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276 | Taking Leadership in Your Home, Parenting by Faith, and Unlocking Blessings Through Forgiveness (Deborah Porter)


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