036: Road Trips, Fatherlessness & The Hip Hop Family (Korey "XROSS" Dean)

Korey “XROSS” Dean joins dadAWESOME to discuss fatherlessness, cultivating a path for his kids and allowing God to reshape how we process information.

  • Has God opened opportunities for you to be a dad for kids outside your immediate family?
  • Are you experiencing God's best in your thought life?
  • How are you cultivating a path for your kids to explore passions and develop skills?

In this interview:

  • Cultivating opportunities for our kids
  • Growing up without a dad
  • The realities of fatherlessness
  • Hip hop as a family
  • Family road trips
  • Meditating on Scripture

XROSS (pronounced "cross") is a Louisville, KY native, (University of Louisville Football Cardinal) by way of Poplar Bluff, MO. XROSS is most notably known for his relevant approach to engaging urban culture through messages of hope and faith. As a leader in the Global Christian Hip Hop Movement, XROSS is featured in Christopher “PLAY” Martin’s blockbuster film “Holy Hip Hop”. He is the founder of Undivided, an urban outreach evangelism movement that uses hip hop to reach the global secularized youth culture. Undivided also partners with major Christian music festivals to create diversity while hosting a hip hop stage.Through his record label, 1 Way Entertainment, many of XROSS' songs are featured in the Oxygen hit TV series Preachers of LA, Detroit and Atlanta.The mayor and City of Minneapolis has also endorsed and partnered with XROSS to write and produce inspirational music and videos to address youth violence prevention. XROSS’ passion for youth and ministry has led him to earn a BS degree in Youth Studies and Sociology from the University of Minnesota.He also serves as a national spokesman for Tony Dungy’s NFL All Pro Dads program, a program designed to help fathers build a stronger relationship with their children. XROSS is spiritual mentor and advisor to pro athletes and inner city youth.Korey “XROSS” Dean designed and developed the Man-Up Club after serving as a student advocate to more than 500 African American High School students. As a result of observing and researching the behavior and practical needs of African American students, he developed a curriculum and program to address the specific needs of the African American males students.Romans 12:1-2Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.Download "I Am Liberty" by Tytist:Learn more about XROSS at: 

The Man Up Club Website: www.themanupclub.org

Website: www.1wayentertainment.comTwitter: www.twitter.com/heyxrossFacebook: www.facebook.com/heyxrossInstagram:www.instagram.com/heyxrossListen to more of XROSS Music here: www.soundcloud.com/sswagmovement


037: Fearless Parenting (Jeremy Brookins Book Summary)


035: Building a Legacy of Boldness (Jono Zantingh)