Gift Of Friendship (episode 4) It Fun:­ Exercise together­ 12000 burpee challenge­ Races with a timer­ The family that Planks Together stays togetherTell A Story: The Paralyzed Man and His Friends (Mark 2)Create Moments: Friends

  • what friends did you play with today?
  • what makes a great friend?
  • which of your friends do you really like playing with?
  • why? What makes them a fun friend?
  • let’s pray for one of your friends tonight.
  • The single greatest statistical predictor of spiritual growth is quite simple: it'shaving a high quantity of intimate Christian friends in your life.

Pray This Bible Verse (James 5:16)Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnestprayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.I Found This Helpful:Church in SPACE article that Pastor Peter Haas wrote to help with the process offinding and keeping authentic christian friends.


We Forgive (episode 5)


We Love Others (episode 3)