043 | Inside-Out Dad Life Week 2 (Matt Keller)

Join Matt Keller for Part 2 as he dives deeper into Inside-Out Dad Life and inspires us to lead and parent from a full and vibrant heart.

  • Are there past pains or labels that you find yourself carrying into your parenting?
  • What excuses are disqualifying your ability to lead your family?
  • What are you afraid of and how close are you to burnout?

In this interview:

  • Tilling the soil of your heart
  • Your parenting comes where you came from
  • Words create worlds
  • Counselors are not for crazy people
  • Being alert to your excuses
  • Being the dad YOUR specific kids need

Questions for Time Alone With God:

  1. What am I afraid of?
  2. How Close am I to burnout?
  3. Where do I feel like I'm winning?
  4. Where do I feel like I'm struggling?
  5. Where do I feel like I'm out of balance?
  6. Am I over hobbying?
  7. Am I under hobbying?
  8. Am I under resting?
  9. How Am I doing with my Sabbath Day?
  10. How is my marriage?
  11. How's my relationship with God?
  12. How Am I doing at sitting in my Heavenly Fathers lap and just receiving from Him?

Books Mentioned:Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion (Wayne Cordeiro)God of the Underdogs: When the Odds Are Against You, God Is For You (Matt Keller)The Key To Everything: Unlocking the Life You Dream of Living (Matt Keller)Matt Keller is a people builder at his core. With more than twenty years in the people business, he is an authority on what it takes to build great teams and a great organization. Matt Keller is a Pastor, Author, Speaker and Leadership Coach. His insight on organizational and personal leadership helps businesses, nonprofits, and churches take their organizations to the next level.Worship Song: Here As In Heaven (Max Nygren & Nick Foulks)- iTunes- Spotify- YouTube 


044 | Book Discussion: "Spiritual Slavery to Sonship" (Tyler Sevlie)


042 | Inside-Out Dad Life Week 1 (Matt Keller)