59 | Screens, Smartphones & Social Media (Technology Month Part 1)


Jonathan McKee joins us to kickoff our Technology month. With over 20 years youth ministry experience, Jonathan speaks to parents and leaders worldwide. He’s the author of over twenty books including the brand new THE TEEN'S GUIDE TO SOCIAL MEDIA & MOBILE DEVICES and IF I HAD A PARENTING DO OVER. Jonathan, his wife, Lori, and their three kids live in California and he resources parents with ongoing resources at TheSource4Parents.com.
  • The research is clear, parents overwhelmingly look back and say “I wish I had spent more time with my kids"
  • The YES Factor - no matter what, if my kids came to me to ask “Hey dad, will you do this?”, the answer would be YES.
  • Overreaction is never the answer. Be careful with saying to yourself, “I’ve got this”.
  • James 1:19 - quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to become angry
  • Hit the “Pause Button” and take time before responding. After giving your kid time to cool off, ask them what they think the consequence should be
  • It was me messing up that gave me the insight to do it right the next time
  • “Angry outbursts teach our kids I can’t go to mom, she’ll freak out or dad isn’t safe. Consider the ramifications of that feeling. If mom or dad isn’t safe, then who will our kids run to for comfort, for advice and for admiration."
  • The most important thing I tell parents when they begin learning about culture and media is “Don’t Freak Out”.
  • Boundary Fast >> don’t add boundaries, but instead begin the process by working on bonding. We must bond before we can add boundaries
  • The Segue - the dissolve from one thing to another. We must slowly fade back on our boundaries as our kids grow older. Kids need clear boundaries, but those boundaries must pull back as they approach leaving the home and deciding for themselves.
  • We need to look for opportunities for our kids to practice making decisions for themselves.
  • MORE INFO: Free resource from Jonathan McKee: Answering 30 top questions from today’s parents
Special thanks to:
  • Sound Engineering:WADE B PRODUCTIONS (itswadeb@gmail.com)
  • Episode Music:Brent Haglund 

60 | Media Mentor Dads (Jonathan McKee)


58 | Family On Mission (Mel Ellenwood)