62 | Walking with our Kids Towards Authenticity & Vulnerability. Screens, Smartphones & Social Media Part 4 (Jake Sullivan)

https://youtu.be/q3t54HA4TgEJake Sullivan joins us for part 4 of Screens, Smartphones & Social Media. This conversation dives into his family journey of adopting three kids from Ghana, Africa and the beauty found in trusting God's goodness. We discuss the challenges in communication skills that our kids are facing along with the power of living life along side our children.Conversation Highlights:

  • International adoption from Ghana, Africa
  • Acts 1:8
  • “I want my son to know who he is and where he is from”
  • "Often we don’t get to see the blessings and the faithfulness of God until after our obedience”
  • Love is displayed through truth. God loved through truth. Let’s love our kids and let’s speak truth to our kids.
  • A good coach will see your weaknesses and they’ll walk along side you and help you grow.
  • Walk with your kids more intentionally in the areas of sex and God’s plan for sex
  • Book: Rethinking Sexuality
  • We are teaching and living life with our kids - bring your kids everywhere with you
  • Deuteronomy 6:6-8 "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.”
  • Intentionally live life together. Don’t separate your home life and your work life.
  • God’s Goodness. God is good on the mountain top and He is good in the valley.
  • God is the lifter when your head is weary. He makes me strong.
  • I don’t want to come across as a legalistic dad taking things from you.
  • Authenticity & Vulnerability through screens, smartphones and Social Media.
  • The God of our universe sees and He knows who you are
  • Do you trust God? That He will bring the darkness to the light?
  • We have a faithful God that wants to see us know him
  • Do I trust the Lord? That the Lord has my kids best interest in mind?
  • Communication - our kids are having a more difficult time communicating
  • The ability to communicate is something that screens are taking away from the next generation.
  • Knowing Gods goodness in the valley and on the mountain.
  • I want my kids to see me go through a valley and never turn from Gods goodness
  • Walk life with your children
  • Don’t let your children's sin feel like a reflection of you as their father.
  • Walk with them and love them and don’t try to hide your kids sin

Powerful story about the Sullivan Family featured in the Star Tribune


63 | Technology Action Steps, Worshipping God Through Trials & Trusting God in the Fire (Jeff Zaugg)


61 | Technology isn't the enemy. Mario Kart, making movies and more ways for families to connect (Brad Griffin)