69 | Mom Month Part 2 (Stephanie Gutierrez & Renee Burt)

Happy Mother's Day! This conversation is part 2 of our Mom Month and we had the privilege of a double awesome conversation with Renee Burt and Stephanie Gutierrez. We explore the power of a hug, speaking words of life, modeling our Heavenly Father's love and praying for miracles while living with love and thankfulness.https://youtu.be/Vze9NGwOq1sEpisode 69 Conversation Notes:

  • Living with expectancy and joy (1:52)
  • Romans 8:15 "This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” (2:32)
  • My dad not only loved me, but he liked me (4:43)
  • When you know your parents like you, it changes everything... My dad came home from work excited to play with us (5:05)
  • If Jesus would want to be your kids best friend, then why would I as their mother not want to be their best friend (5:50)
  • Love and like your kids (7:22)
  • A dad who prioritized teaching his kids the Bible and not in an oppressive way, but in a life-giving way (7:50)
  • My dad looked at me with such love that it helped give me an understanding of God's love (8:35)
  • He loves to play with his daughters and get into their world, but he also loves to invite his daughters into his world (9:10)
  • Our kids feel so safe in their dads love (9:45)
  • My daughter says that she's not going to settle for a guy to marry unless he's at least as good as her dad (9:45)
  • Speaking positive words over your wife (10:45)
  • You have a huge impact on your wife's parenting. Even if you don't see it, keep affirming (11:25)
  • Seeing a dad who cries over the work of God in his daughters life... The Generation curse was broken (11:50)
  • Every morning they would wake up believing for a miracle... Every day their first look at their daughter was disappointment (13:30)
  • Reading in Romans revealed more of the love of God. The lack of healing in their daughter was not their fault as her parents (14:25)
  • "I didn't have to wait to fully accept her and fully love her until she walked in healing. God loved her right now and right then." (15:00)
  • The shock of learning that her kids were moving away to the mission field in Peru (16:30)
  • God whispered in a soft voice, "I have not forgotten you" (17:25)
  • Sharing her testimony... the raw and vulnerable version (18:10)
  • God’s lessons are bigger than ours. He never forgets us (1835)
  • Tell your story and you will impact their story (1820)
  • What is better than that? Seeing God take the pain in your life and turn it around to help someone else (2005)
  • Tell your daughters how beautiful and valuable they are (2034)
  • Every little girl wants to hear that they are beautiful and if they do not hear it from their dad, they will go to others to find it (21:10)
  • Tell your daughter every single way that they are awesome and tell them all the time (21:30)
  • Learn about the love languages of your kids (21:35)
  • Look for ways that you can speak love in ways that are meaningful to your daughter (21:10)
  • The importance of the hug and the embrace of a dad (20:25)
  • The desire for a hug and embrace. We want it from our dads and we wanted from our heavenly father (23:00)
  • You might be speaking love loud and clear, but if it is not the type of love your wife wants, it can be grating for her (23:50)
  • An ideal Mother’s Day for Stephanie is not needing to do anything. Acts of service is her love language (24:18)
  • Renee explained that receiving flowers brought back pain from when she was a daughter. Her dad would bring flowers anytime he had an affair. Flowers meant an apology because of her family history (25:10)
  • It really comes down to communication... If you are in doubt, ask your wife. Don't guess (26:10)
  • The wife really needs to tell the husband what she wants. Help a guy out. Make a list of things you would like and give that list to your husband (26:45)
  • Major on the major and minors on the minors. Don’t spend too much energy on things that are not a big deal (28:10)
  • Focus on the character and the qualities of your kids heart (28:35)
  • Limited attention span‘s and being intentional with cell phone usage. When you are with your kids, really be with them (29:45)
  • Work life bleeding over into home life (30:15)
  • The ability to focus and really listen to your kids when your phone is buzzing is very difficult (30:25)
  • Set the phone down and really listen to your kids (29:45)
  • The temptation to let your eyes glaze over and stop really listening to your kids... don’t let your mind drift off and go someplace else in Your head (31:05)
  • If your kid talks a lot, listen and look for the treasure buried in the long winded conversation (33:10)
  • The importance of finding common ground with your kids. Find a way to connect (35:00)
  • Help each child know individually that they are special (36:05)
  • Find things with each child that are “just us” moments... Special Time (36:40)
  • Take 10 to 15 minutes every day for individual one on one time with each child (37:00)

Love LanguagesStephany and Danny's Missions Website (Peru):


70 | Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World (Kristen Welch)


68 | You don't need to be Superman (Laurel Bunker)