91 | Growing in Flexibility, Throwing Pancakes & Watching Fear Dissipate (Aaron Shust)

Submitting dadAWESOME IDEAS: We are gathering tools, games, strategies, dad hacks and other ideas that need to be shared to help all of us take a step towards awesomeness in our fatherhood. If you'd be willing to share an idea or two, please reach out so we can share them:

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Aaron Shust:

Aaron Shust joins dadAWESOME for a vulnerable conversation fatherhood and trusting God in difficult moments. Aaron is a song writer and worship leader who records songs that magnify the name and nature of God. Nothing To Fear, just released in September 2019 and is Aaron's Ninth full-length album. Aaron lives with his wife Sarah and three boys in Nashville, TN.

Conversation Notes:

  • 3:37 - Aaron introduces himself and his family
  • 4:42 - His son experiencing bullying at school
  • 12:20 - Focussing intentionality around rhythms
  • 15:15 - The challenge of transitioning from touring as a musician to being home with his family without a schedule
  • 15:50 - "Lord help me to be flexible"
  • 16:30 - The number one thing is prayer
  • 17:55 - "I am losing this battle Lord and I admit it. I need your Spirit to step in and Supernaturally do what you do"
  • 17:40 - Dad mistakes... being too rigid and inflexible
  • 19:45 - "I need to get down on my knees in front of my boys and say I'm sorry... I want my boys to see their daddy being vulnerable."
  • 20:00 - Marriage tip - say "I was wrong"
  • 20:10 - "Whatever I do is their definition of what a dad does... whatever I do is their definition of a man"
  • 20:45 - "Will you forgive me?"
  • 22:07 - Trusting God in difficult moments - lyrics from "My Savior, My God"
    • "I am not skilled to understand. What God has willed, what God has planned. I only know at his right hand. Stands one who is my Savior"
  • 22:40 - Crying out to God for his son
  • 23:10 - James 5:14 "Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord."
  • 23:50 - God healing his youngest son and now he can hear
  • 24:50 - "It's not about the level of faith. It's got to be about God's plan"
  • 26:16 - God has the power to answer your prayers, but sometimes he doesn't and we need to trust that God's plans are good... "We need to trust that God knows what He is doing"
  • 27:10 - Testimony Videos:
  • 27:45 - Nothing To Fear - Hebrews 4:16 - "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
  • 28:20 - "Fear always becomes more prevalent and rises whenever my focus is on myself"
  • 29:08 - "Set your eyes on the Word of God and watch the fear dissipate"
  • 30:00 - Ephesians 6:4 "Fathers, don’t exasperate your children, but raise them up with loving discipline and counsel that brings the revelation of our Lord."
  • 30:40 - "If you want to know how our Heavenly Father acts, just read the Fruit of the Spirit. That's His calling card. That's who He is. God is love"
  • 31:00 - Aaron's closing prayer

Episode Links:


DA Ideas: (From Erik Romsaas)

32:40 - Change Up The Environment... Change it up. When it feels like you're stuck as a dad, change the atmosphere and try connecting again. 


92 | Miracle in a Daddy's Hug (John Burns part 1)


90 | Raising Kids Who Change The World (Mark Foreman)