The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.

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192 | What You Must Teach Your Daughter Before She Turns 16 (Jackie Bledsoe)

So know that if you're in a hard season right now, just keep the course, stay the course, stay. not grow weary in well doing. But at the proper time You receive a harvest if you do not give up. So that's the word that I give to you dads as well. It can be tough right now, but keep doing things that you know are going to lead to the end that you want in your marriage and your fatherhood and your business, whatever it is, and trust that that harvest will come at some point.

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147 | Jon Tyson on Intentional Fatherhood & Creating the Primal Path

"I wanted him in this liminal space. My goal was to irreparably break his heart for the poor of the world so he'd never just be a spoiled, complacent American ever - He'd always be haunted, because those years are so formative... I just wanted to get in there, God's heart for the poor."

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