The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.

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290 | Being Present Over Perfect, Gamifying Fatherhood, and Staying Curious (Jeff Zaugg)

Jeff Zaugg steps behind the microphone in this episode to share his personal fatherhood journey and how he adds adventure and intentionality to the dad life. Interviewed by Dr. Michelle Canfield Watson, Jeff shares powerful encouragement and insights for fathers in any stage of parenting.

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263 | Encouraging Your Kids, Discovering Your Identity, and Asking for Forgiveness as a Father (Larry Ross & Harrison Ross: Part 1)

Few fathers are brave enough to ask their grown children for forgiveness. But that’s precisely the conversation Larry Ross had with his son, Harrison. Now, the two men provide a powerful dual perspective about the impact of a father’s choices and how those decisions influence generations to come.

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233 | Simple Money, Rich Life: Achieve Financial Freedom and Eternal Impact (Bob Lotich)

Acts of obedience can result in miracles, adventures, and boldness they've experienced as a family.Transparent money management can be the best instruction for kids. What children learn from their parents is more "caught than taught."The importance of being transparent with your children about finances far exceeds putting up a wall and believing it isn't beneficial.It's beneficial for both spouses to be involved in finances. 

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206 | Gentleness, Humility & Unforced Rhythms (Matt Fogle)

"it's going to take intentionality and it's going to take you guarding your heart above all else. For from it flows living water. And this is meant to be an overflow journey, not one of scarcity, but one where you are being filled up daily to be poured out like a reservoir to fill your kids up and your wife and you can do it. And it's an invitation piece. It's not... God's not going to ever make you do this. You've got to take him up on his invitation."

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203 | My Dad Was The Loudest (Simon Osamoh)

"My son knows because he can always hear me. What he remembers about his games is that my dad was the loudest. My dad was shouting, and it's intentional. The reason why I do that, I scream over every other father there because I want Mason to remember when I'm no longer there. His memory would be, You know what? My dad was the loudest... My dad was the loudest person at my game, and that's the memory, because that's what I never had."

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