The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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231 | How One Decision Creates Legacy (Tim and Ryan Skoog Part1)
One of the greatest gifts that my parents and then my dad was able to give me was he wanted to expose me early on to the world, to the needs of the world, to the challenges of the world." "....he did that by taking us to some of the most difficult places in the world.
229 | Becoming Wholehearted (Morgan Snyder REPLAY)
"God is very interested and motivated in the initiation of our children. It’s what makes Him come alive. He has their best interests in mind. And when I put down my agenda, I got curious. I got responsive. The path that my children have chosen and the God has chosen for them is not what I would have chosen in so many ways, but being a student and being attentive and participating has changed everything."
228 | Raising Kids Who Change The World (Mark Foreman REPLAY)
How do I feel about God? Am I satisfied? Comfortable? Cynical? Disappointed? Indifferent? Am I on fire? That torch in my hand will be passed to my children more substantially than any religious education. If I want my children to grow spiritually, I must stay alive.”
226 | Dads Who Dare To Dream (Banning Liebscher REPLAY)
“When I stop dreaming, when I stop allowing my heart to really dream about things that apart from God are impossible, I not longer kind of lean in, I begin to lean back. I don’t engage, I disengage. And I would say the greatest thing in the world you could do for your kids is to be a dreamer that’s pursuing what God has in your life.”
217 | Talking to Our Kids About Marriage. It's On Me! (Chad Johnson PART 2)
"I just want to pour in... I don't want to be the guy who's over on the couch. Whose mailed it in and thinks that everything's going to be great. I want to be 100 percent in the game. Are they on my calendar or are they on my prayer list? Are they people I'm spending time with? I just want to keep honing..."
215 | Creating Ceremonies, Building Life-Changing Committed Friendships & Raising Modern Day Knights (Robert Lewis)
"sons are looking for the substance of life, as I hope to prove they hunger for the best things and in the absence of these anchors, sons drift. But when loving dads add these into the manhood mix, their sons flourish. They become noble men, gentlemen, men of valor, principled men, knights.
211 | Kids Need to Explore Dangerous Stuff Safely (Seth Dahl PART 1)
I'm trying to reawaken something inside you. I'm trying to reawaken something that was lost. And this is who you are and and this is trying to stop it. Keep going. Keep hunting. Do it...
203 | My Dad Was The Loudest (Simon Osamoh)
"My son knows because he can always hear me. What he remembers about his games is that my dad was the loudest. My dad was shouting, and it's intentional. The reason why I do that, I scream over every other father there because I want Mason to remember when I'm no longer there. His memory would be, You know what? My dad was the loudest... My dad was the loudest person at my game, and that's the memory, because that's what I never had."
200 | Belly Laughter, Feeling Stuck & Sailboat Fatherhood (Jeff Zaugg)
"When we're feeling stuck, think sailboat, not speedboat. What if the wind is just not blowing? What if this is the time to learn and to be humble and to say, what can I take away from this versus a pointing at all the things that are wrong? What can I experience now that will help me be the dad that my kids need me to be?"
199 | You Need To Dance (Wayne Francis)
"I think that all of us, as men have to put something in our calendar that scares the living daylights out of us"
198 | Speaking Blessings, Hearing God's Voice & Exposing our Kids to Missions (Seth Barnes)
There's greatness in you. There's amazing potential in you that you probably have not tapped and that God wants to tap. And he often uses our weaknesses. And that's where we're, you know, his strength shines through our weaknesses.
197 | Stopping the Generational Pass Down of Trauma (Chris Bruno PART 2)
Trauma passes down through generations until someone has the courage to feel it. It's going to continue to pass down through generations until someone has the courage to feel it and to face it into and to process it. Let us be those dads.
196 | Your Story, Deep Brotherhood & Types of Trauma (Chris Bruno PART 1)
We are our best father when we have our best brothers with us. And so we need those guys and those are the guys that you came in and went rafting with, you know, with me... Those are those guys in my life and we need our brothers. But then also sometimes we need someone else who's on the outside who's got some training is a professional in some ways to come along side to create a safe space for a child to unfold.
Live simply so that others may simply live.... To inspire people to find their own adventure in life, something that will bring them joy while bringing others joy as well.
190 | Heart of a Warrior with Dr. Greg Bourgond
Living intentionally in the same direction over an extended period of time will have a greater impact on your children than anything you could possibly say.
189 | Pablo Ceron PART 2 | Discover Delight in What Your Child Delights In
Pablo talks through steps to healing and restoration: (1) Invite Jesus into the place in our hearts where we feel wronged, where life is unfair.... (2) Renounce the lie that life is up to me, that I will need to fight every battle because no one else will do it for me (3) Ask What is the truth?
188 | Pablo Ceron PART 1 - Living a Wild Adventure
"And part of the recovery of their heart is to recognize their need for adventure and and and and how adventure makes a man come come alive. We believe that men shouldn't be tamed, but should be given permission to be themselves and live with passion and live with freedom ."
187 | Jon Tyson on Skillful Manhood, Capturing First Moments & The Intentional Father
“I just have a path of intentionality that sets up the odds in your favor. And again, you can't control your son's heart, but you can fight for it. And this is a plan to fight for your son's future. And I believe that when we do that, we activate the heart of God's divine favor comes through our way, the Holy Spirit, gets involved and we're not on our own. And without it, I think you're left to chance and you’re left to the world.”