176 | Balance Bike vs. Training Wheels (Terry Esau)


We’re on a mission to add LIFE to the dad life. We’re passionate about helping dads live fully alive as they lead their kids to God’s awesomeness.  | YouTube |  Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

Terry Esau

Terry has over 10 years in the non-profit sector, having exercised his leadership as the founder of FB4K in 2010. In addition, Terry has been instrumental in catalyzing the move from a Minnesota-only platform to the 12 US cities that FB4K currently calls home. Terry has been recognized for his societal contributions both nationally (USA Today Make A Difference award) and internationally (Guinness World Records). In his spare time, Terry is a published author and speaker on various topics, including the ‘Wellbeing of under-resourced kids in America.’ In addition to his bicycle advocacy, Terry is an avid cyclist, musician and artist.


MINNEAPOLIS, MN — August 28th, 2021— DENVER, CO — September 18th, 2021— PHILADELPHIA, PA — October 2nd, 2021— NEW YORK, NY — October 16th, 2021— PHOENIX, AZ — November 20th, 2021Register Here:https://f4f.bike/

Show Notes:

  • 1:50 - Text “DAD” to651-370-8618 to join the text list. 

  • 2:16 -  Monday, June 21st. Just write down DadAWESOME day

  • 2:53 - Free Bikes for Kids

  • 4:44 - How to teach kids to ride a bike with a balance bike

  • 5:58 - I kind of feel like we should live our lives with this adventure and hope and excitement. You know, it's like instead of instead of living cautiously, it's just it's just not a great way to live. 

  • '7:18 - Sharing his dad’s story of being on his own at age 16 and then serving on MN Legislature for 16 years. “He didn't let the problem of not having that education hold him back. You know, he kind of took things into his own hand and he said, I can educate myself by reading books, you know, so. So he did that. And he was you know, he was a flawed man, and a flawed father, just like I am. But you know what he he modeled? He modeled boldness and courage, and I think that's what has helped me."

  • 12:20 -  “I look at the Holy Spirit not as a dove, but as a sharp elbow. And, you know, and our job is to keep tender ribs so that we feel the nudge of that sharp elbow.”

  • 19:35 -  Terry's book: Surprise Me: A 30-Day Faith Experiment & Be the Surprise: Experiments in Spontaneous

  • 25:11 - Free Bikes for Kids website - (picture of the smiling girl)

  • 26:17 - Setting the Guinness World Record for most bikes collected in a day (5,512 bikes on year, then 10,000 the next year)

Episode Links:

Full Transcript:

Episode 176 Transcript


177 | Connecting Dads to The Father (Dr. Mark R. Pitts & Becky Thompson) 


175 | Patterns of Healthy Dads (Matt Norman)