185 | Bob Merritt PART 1 -- How Courageous Intervention Saved His Family and Career


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Bob Merritt

Bob Merritt led Eagle Brook Church for 28 years. He retired in March of 2020 and lives in White Bear, MN with his wife Laurie. He joins us for this 2-Part podcast conversation on fatherhood themes ranging from leadership blindspots to fatherhood insights learned from his dog Blue.


MINNEAPOLIS, MN — August 28th, 2021— DENVER, CO — September 18th, 2021— PHILADELPHIA, PA — October 2nd, 2021— NEW YORK, NY — October 16th, 2021— PHOENIX, AZ — November 20th, 2021Register Here:https://f4f.bike/

Show Notes:

  • Text “DAD” to 651-370-8618 to join the dadAWESOME Nudge to becoming an intentional dad

  • 3:44 - Bob's daughter, Meg, shares reflections on her dad.

  • 7:54 - The impact of dads bringing their families to church

  • 11:35 - Deuteronomy 6 - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts [parents]. Impress these things on your kids. Talk about them when you sit at home, when you walk along the road, when you lie down, when you get up ..."

  • 12:37 - "So the question I would have for dads: Do you know God's word well enough? Are God's commands on your heart? Because you can't teach your kids what you don't have."

  • 14:28 - "Pain, I think can lead to passion or pain can lead to passivity." - Jeff Zaugg

  • 16:01 - "You know, life is full of pain. We all have it. But what I would say is that God doesn't cause that pain. Right. But God can help you heal from that pain and put you on a better path if you'll be willing to allow him to do that."

  • 17:23 -  "Pain is a signal that something's wrong when it comes to life."

  • 21:12 - "So if I've got an anger issue, but I'm not seeing it. Will I have enough humility so. Will I have enough strength, Jeff, to ask somebody, 'Hey, will you help me see some things in my life?' See it's a person of strength who's willing to admit I've got an anger problem or I've got a spending problem. People of weakness, will never admit they have an issue."

  • 25:19 -  "You got to be humble enough and self-aware enough to know that we all have flaws and weaknesses, that if we could just get somebody to help us look at that, you know, it could just open the world to us."

  • 28:02 - Deuteronomy 30 - "I've set before you life and death, blessings and curses now choose life so that you and your children may live."

Episode Links:

Full Transcript:

Episode 185 Transcript


186 | Bob Merritt PART 2 | Don't Miss the Moments


184 | Fatherhood Face Plants (Troy Mangum)