284 | Taking Risks, Confronting Anger, and Cementing Your Identity as a Son of God (Jay Heck: Part 1)

As a teenager, Jay Heck watched his father take a risk for God that changed the trajectory of their lives. Jay reached a similar crossroads when he became a husband and father: he could continue to live in fear or take a risk and trust God completely. He wants every father to know that they can choose the latter. 

Key Takeaways

  • Three questions to ask your kids: How am I doing as a dad? What’s one thing I do really well? What’s one area that I can improve upon? 

  • Your child’s lens of what it means to be a believer comes from the risks you take. 

  • You can only be honest and vulnerable with God when you believe he is kind.

  • If you believe lies about your identity, you’re always going to be angry no matter how perfect your life appears.

Jay Heck

Jay Heck is the founder and director of Being Songs, a ministry helping men discover that authentic, fearless, God-designed manhood begins by being a son. 

Key Quotes

  • 9:45 - "God has Fathered me, and that's a term that I throw out quite frequently... Just the worldview change, that God's actually Fathering us and initiating us in the uninitiated places."

  • 18:32 - "Truth be told, my journey, as a son, from God's perspective, has been since before the foundations of the earth... even before He knit me together in my mother's womb. He's always had a plan. He's always had, in His heart, throughout the course of history, to create me, to create you, to create every one of you who's listening to this, to be the object of His affection, to be the object of His love, and to bring us into maturity. That's always been His goal."

Links From Today's Conversation

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285 | Modeling Masculinity, Dialoguing with God, and Finding Community (Jay Heck: Part 2)


283 | Becoming the Father Your Children Need, Taking Faith Seriously, and Grandparenting Effectively (Dr. Ken Canfield: Part 2)