Manhood, Courage & Adventure (episode 031 w/ Vince Miller)

Join us as author, speaker and founder, Vince Miller, shares about living every moment out of the character of Jesus and using any teachable moment as a moment to teach about God.------------ Are you experiencing a “Man Void”, or missing a mentor in your life as a dad?-- Do your kids see you living a great adventure, or living out of safety?-- Are you privately shaming and disqualifying yourself as a leader, dad, mentor and man?-------------------------In this interview:-- Living every moment in Godly character-- Mentorship and Discipleship-- Trapping your kids in relationship with you-- Moving from Job to Career to Calling-- Living Adventurously, Praying Big Dreams-- “8F Framework”

  1. Faith
  2. Family
  3. Friends
  4. Fitness
  5. Food
  6. Fun
  7. Finance
  8. Future

-- Writing a daily devotional for your family-----------Vince is an author, speaker and mentor to men. As the founder of Resolute, he exists to disciple and develop men to lead. As a father of three, he uses Crossfit and boating as opportunities to “trap” his kids in relationship and lead them toward teachable moments.Click here to learn more about Resolute and 30 Virtues that Build a Man:Connect with Vince Miller


(bonus) Midweek Dad IDEAS - ep31


dad IDEAS (from episode 30)