(bonus) Midweek Dad IDEAS - ep31

Midweek SHOW NOTES:1) A Bible Verse - Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."2) A Road Trip Game - zip / bingo3) A Goal Framework- Faith. Family. Friends. Fitness. Food. Fun. Finance. Future4)A Wrong Voice - audio clip from Vince Miller5) A Quote - Necessary Endings - "Getting to the next level always requires ending something, leaving it behind, and moving on. Growth itself demand that we move on. Without the ability to END things, people stay stuck, never becoming who they are meant to be, never accomplishing all that their talents and abilities should afford them."Full Episode with Vince Miller: Click HereNecessary Endings (Henry Cloud) 


Bigger than Myself (032 Rick Glewwe)


Manhood, Courage & Adventure (episode 031 w/ Vince Miller)