71 | Nothing To Prove & All of Eternity To Live For (Susie Larson part 1)

We’re now offering a daily dadAWESOME text message with encouragement, prayers, Bible verses, dad tips and other fatherhood inspiration. Simply text “dad” to 33222 to join DA Daily.

--Susie Larson joins dadAWESOME for part 4 of Mom Month. She is a talk show host, national speaker, and author of 16 books. Susie’s passion is to see women everywhere awakened to the value of their soul, the depth of God’s love, and the height of their calling in Christ Jesus.Conversation Notes:

  • Taking intentional time to develop friendships. Placing your friends above yourself (2:40)
  • Proverbs 12:26 "The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray." (3:25)
  • The benefits of hindsight... seeing the fruit in their family after all they've sown into their boys and seeing the grace of God in the ways they missed it (5:12)
  • "I don't like to say I'm busy because busyness means I'm out of control. I have a full life and I'm careful with my YES." (5:35)
  • The story from her husband Kevin's perspective - listen to dadAWESOME Episode 29 (6:50)
  • You must have an intimate thriving walk with the Lord (7:33)
  • "If you want to walk in the miraculous, you have got to hook up to the power source." (7:55)
  • As a couple - pray together every single day (8:05)
  • You have to grab ahold of your identity in Christ and you have to declare it every single day (8:15)
  • People are misusing their time, treasure and talents to try to prove something that God has already proven and it's a colossal waste of time (8:25)
  • You've got nothing to prove & all of eternity to live for (8:35)
  • The importance of family meetings (9:40)
  • Let's talk about Christmas. It's about Jesus, not about you. What does entitlement look like? What does gratitude look like? (10:10)
  • She would tell her boys, "You're a Christian first and a teenager second," because we can't be blown by the culture we live in (10:30)
  • "We cannot grow beyond our ability to receive correction." -Francis Frangipane (11:04)
  • You are not your performance, but how you perform matters. You've got to leave places better than you found them. You've got to be a giver and not a taker (11:15)
  • The importance of a family meeting and each person sharing a growth area and a strength area with each other (11:40)
  • Hearing from her son "Mom, you worry too much and dad you work too much" (12:30)
  • Susie talking about her husband Kevin (14:00)
  • Kevin working 2 or 3 jobs and the pain of him working too much (15:00)
  • I want couples to know it's worth it. Work through the hard times and don't give up on your marriage. You'll have the strongest and most enjoyable marriage after the fact. (15:30)
  • Kevin telling Susie, "You're not going to one doctor appointment by yourself." (16:05)
  • Kevin mentors his adult sons and they each have lunch with him every month. (17:20)
  • Susie reflecting on her father (18:49)
  • When you're overcompensating, so often it's coming out of a heartbreak or trauma or fear of some kind (20:45)
  • Susie's dad: "My whole life I've thought I had to earn God's love and at this age, I finally found out that it's free" (21:10)
  • What if we have pain from the relationship with our father? (22:20)
  • God wants to make us whole... Psalm 23:3 "He restores my soul" (22:45)
  • "God goes to the hardest places in our souls and He untangles them so that you're trauma-free" (22:55)
  • "As Christians, we don't have the option to sit in unforgiveness and hold onto bitterness" (23:45)
  • "Pain that is not transformed is transferred" -Dr. Shane Wood
  • Susie reflecting on some mom-mistakes (24:50)
  • The pain and confusion with two of their three sons wandering from the faith (25:10)
  • "Parenting is not a formula that guarantees an outcome" (26:06)
  • God takes our offering and He's not done with us yet (27:05)
  • Your Sacred Yes: Trading Life-Draining Obligation for Freedom, Passion and Joy
  • "Sadly, once we’ve secured our eternity, far too many of us live like the rest of the world… When we forget - or become too busy - to tap into the provision and power God had made available to us, we find ourselves weary, rushed, earthbound people who merely react to our circumstances. From the outside looking in, we look like everybody else - tired, overworked, and underjoyed…"
  • People who have begun living from love vs. living for love (28:40)

Episode Links:dadAWESOME Episode 29 (Kevin Larson)Your Sacred Yes: Trading Life-Draining Obligation for Freedom, Passion and Joyhttps://www.susielarson.com/


72 | Humble Yourself & Let God Do The Lifting (Susie Larson Part 2)


70 | Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World (Kristen Welch)