84 | Hug Your Kids, Show Them Their Future & Change The World (Paul Cole)

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Paul Cole is a dedicated champion for raising up successful young leaders, and committed to challenging and helping men be great dads. He's the President of the Christian Men’s Network Worldwide and is active in 138 nations, connecting over 86,000 leaders. Paul writes, speaks and travels extensively encouraging and advancing the men’s movement around the world.Conversation Notes:

  • 3:25 - Paul Cole introduces himself
  • 4:30 - "If things aren't based on the Word of God, if we don't have a true north centering us, then we move all over the place"
  • 4:50 - The Global Fatherhood Initiative
  • 5:14 - "If we change the hearts of men, we change the soul of a nation"
  • 5:25 - "We live in a world that seems to be more concerned about the calorie content of our children's lunches than the character content of their hearts"
  • 5:50 - Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."
  • 10:45 - 1 Corinthians 4:15 "Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel."
  • 11:40 - "An instructor tells you what he knows, but a father gives you who he is. A father will teach by example with his life, while an instructor gives you his words. There's a lot of people who will tell you where you've done it wrong, but there's very few who are willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up."
  • 12:05 - "Fatherhood and the spirit of fathering is actually what will undergird a reversal of the trend in our culture away from Christ"
  • 12:43 - Many of the father to child handoffs are not done well. Many people mess this up.
  • 13:20 - "The role of a father is to reach into a child's heart, pull out their future and show it to them... A father says don't let them look down on you because you are young"
  • 14:20 - Paul was setting Timothy up in a generational ministry - 2 Timothy 2:2
  • 14:50 - Jesus spent 30 years preparing for 3 years of ministry
  • 15:50 - All men by nature are selfish
  • 16:15 - "The enemy is always trying to rip men off of their destiny"
  • 17:45 - "The conversion process of following Christ is what changes us from selfishness to giving, to generosity. It moves us from the negative to the positive."
  • 18:00 - "Fatherlessness is a form of selfishness. And selfishness in it's working out is childishness"
  • 19:30 - The importance of being engaged when you get home from work. "When you walk in the door, you belong to your family"
  • 20:05 - The importance of touch. What did Jesus do for people? He touched them.
  • 20:18 - Let your kids see you love their mom
  • 20:30 - Words have great power

Episode Links:


85 | Activating Legacy, a Hero's Character & the Courage to Start (Paul Cole part 2)


83 | Surf Trips, Being Known & Living Fully Alive (Zack Curry)