85 | Activating Legacy, a Hero's Character & the Courage to Start (Paul Cole part 2)

Invitation: We're looking for 9 volunteers to help us create the dadAWESOME Fruit of The Spirit small group curriculum. Would you be interested in volunteering 2 or 3 hours of your time to listen back to a previous week's episode and take notes and gather more resources on your assigned Fruit of the Spirit? Please email da@dadawesome.org for more information.

This is the second part of our dadAWESOME conversation with Paul Cole. If you missed last week, here's the link to episode 84. Paul Cole is a dedicated champion for raising up successful young leaders, and committed to challenging and helping men be great dads. He's the President of the Christian Men’s Network Worldwide and is active in 138 nations, connecting over 86,000 leaders. Paul writes, speaks and travels extensively encouraging and advancing the men’s movement around the world.Conversation Notes:

  • 4:55 - Book Point Man by Steve Farrar = "Don't screw up this fatherhood thing"
  • 5:40 - "You are your child's hero. What God the Father is to us, a source of provision, a source of discipline, security, affirmation, value, love"
  • 5:55 - "True discipline doesn't come out of anger, it comes from love"
  • 6:40 - 1 Corinthians 10 gives a picture of God trying to grow up his people
  • 7:20 - "Every great culture is built on the character of it's hero's and the courage of it's warriors" (Isaiah 3:1)
  • 8:25 - Dads need to show their daughters what a real man looks like
  • 8:50 - "The most important thing for you to work on as a dad is YOU and then after working on you, disciple your children"
  • Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it."
  • 9:30 - Gideon failing as a farther (Judges 8:30-33)... not one of his sons stood up for what was right.
  • 10:50 - "Legacy isn't what you do in life, it's what you put into motion"
  • 12:30 - Story about a failure as a father... His daughter felt like she was an agenda for her dad. He had compartmentalized his life.
  • 14:10 - The importance of just saying yes and being present with your kids... Be careful not to build walls that lower your connection.
  • Top Books for young dads: The Well Played Life & The Boy Crisis & Phil Pringle Podcast 
  • Just a Bartender book by Paul Cole
  • 17:30 - "One of the most important things you can do for your kids is to let them see you live your life and invite them into seeing you make choices, decisions and mistakes"
  • 18:55 - "It has to be normative that you can pray together at anytime throughout the day. It does not have to be at special moments"
  • 20:00 - Powerful story of changing the culture of Uganda through men's discipleship
  • 21:00 - "They weren't famous men, they just started. The most important thing about discipling your kids is to start. Don't try to figure it all out, just start"
  • 24:30 - "David reproduced what was in his heart. As a father, you don't just reproduce what's in your hands, you reproduce what's in your heart. Your children may not always listen to you, but they will always imitate you"
  • 25:05 - Spread the word about dadAWESOME - share www.dadawesome.org with other dads
  • 25:35 - Paul's prayer

Episode Links:


86 | Bringing Our Dad-Ideas To Life (Charles Lee)


84 | Hug Your Kids, Show Them Their Future & Change The World (Paul Cole)