The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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228 | Raising Kids Who Change The World (Mark Foreman REPLAY)
How do I feel about God? Am I satisfied? Comfortable? Cynical? Disappointed? Indifferent? Am I on fire? That torch in my hand will be passed to my children more substantially than any religious education. If I want my children to grow spiritually, I must stay alive.”
227 | Intentional Fatherhood & Creating the Primal Path (Jon Tyson REPLAY)
“I wanted him in this liminal space. My goal was to irreparably break his heart for the poor of the world so he’d never just be a spoiled, complacent American ever – He’d always be haunted, because those years are so formative… I just wanted to get in there, God’s heart for the poor.”
226 | Dads Who Dare To Dream (Banning Liebscher REPLAY)
“When I stop dreaming, when I stop allowing my heart to really dream about things that apart from God are impossible, I not longer kind of lean in, I begin to lean back. I don’t engage, I disengage. And I would say the greatest thing in the world you could do for your kids is to be a dreamer that’s pursuing what God has in your life.”
225 | Fatherhood insights from the life of Abraham (Jeremy Pryor REPLAY)
"if your kids don’t see the sabbath day as their favorite day of the week, then you’re doing it wrong”
224 | Slowing Down & Recovering Your Heart (John Eldredge REPLAY)
“Human beings were not meant to live in isolation and we weren’t meant to live in a constant unknown. Learning to let it go (benevolent detachment)… is step one.”
223 | The Tech-Wise Family (Andy Crouch REPLAY)
“I think that our best moments as families, our best moments as parents but also kids’ best moments, are when we are given the capacity for meaningful action in some way. That is, we have some ability to have something matter that we do, AND we are exposed to meaningful risk – that is, it could go wrong and we could lose something.”
222 | Funny How Dad Life Works (Michael Jr. REPLAY)
"So you’re going to make some sort of mistakes. But fellas, I want you to know for sure you are absolutely dadAWESOME, because I got an awesome dad and I know I’m going to be an awesome dad because I’m a give it my all. Even if we’re going the wrong way, I’m going the wrong way all the way, because I’m doing it because I love my kids and they’re going to know that.”
221 | The Love of a Father (Pierre du Plessis REPLAY)
You can’t take out a pair of pliers and change wires and go, there you go, I told you, this is how we can fix you. We’ve got to cultivate what we want, and I think part of us as people looking back at our lives, I think if we don’t get over ourselves early enough, then we take up all the energy to fix ourselves and we ignore to sow what we want in our children. It’s amazing when the kid starts drifting, and you no longer have the reach and control you think you have.
220 | Fathering Like a Boy vs. Fathering Like a Man (Gary Black)
"We have to break the spirit, disciple these kids and send them on risky, crazy adventures so that they can get their own stories so they can keep telling the miraculous amazingness of how good and amazing our Father is."
219 | Up Daddy, Spiritual Fatherhood & Stepping Out in Faith (Dick Foth PART2)
"the best way that I can be a strong father is to be the the most profound loving husband I can be... Children need to know to the degree that they're able that those two people. Love each other deeply"
218 | The Stance of a Learner & The Relationship Baseball Dimond (Dick Foth PART1)
"when my father walked away, my father in law walked in."
217 | Talking to Our Kids About Marriage. It's On Me! (Chad Johnson PART 2)
"I just want to pour in... I don't want to be the guy who's over on the couch. Whose mailed it in and thinks that everything's going to be great. I want to be 100 percent in the game. Are they on my calendar or are they on my prayer list? Are they people I'm spending time with? I just want to keep honing..."
216 | Fatherhood with 11 Kids & The Giant Five Framework (Chad Johnson)
The world is crying out for men and dads who are on fire. That love what they’re doing and their giving it their all
215 | Creating Ceremonies, Building Life-Changing Committed Friendships & Raising Modern Day Knights (Robert Lewis)
"sons are looking for the substance of life, as I hope to prove they hunger for the best things and in the absence of these anchors, sons drift. But when loving dads add these into the manhood mix, their sons flourish. They become noble men, gentlemen, men of valor, principled men, knights.
214 | Bob Goff on Context, Fainting Goats & Being Secretly Awesome
And you could do that as an awesome dad to just hover. I think that's the first thing God did over the Earth. He just hovered. Hover over each person your family like, what is kid number one need that I could only uniquely provide them. Because if they need a ride, they could get Uber to provide. They'd give em a ride. But just say, is there something else they uniquely need that only I could provide and then hover over your spouse and hover over a couple of friends for a moment? And did you say, like, what are they uniquely need that only I could provide.
213 | The Intentional Forty (Jeff Zaugg)
40 new experiences; things I've never done in my life... Instead of moving towards comfort and rhythms and things I've already done before, I am intentionally adding new things because I want to stay curious. I want to be a learner... I want to stay humble. I want to be in this growth mindset.
212 | Key Differences Between Peacekeeping & Peacemaking (Seth Dahl PART 2)
"Peace is the atmosphere of heaven... peace is the oxygen of heaven. It's everywhere in heaven. It is just like righteousness, peace and joy are the kingdom of God. It already belongs to us, Jesus said, I give you my peace, I leave you, not as the world gives..."
211 | Kids Need to Explore Dangerous Stuff Safely (Seth Dahl PART 1)
I'm trying to reawaken something inside you. I'm trying to reawaken something that was lost. And this is who you are and and this is trying to stop it. Keep going. Keep hunting. Do it...
210 | It's Gonna Be Great! (Derick Zwerneman)
James 1:2-4 - "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
209 | Crazy Cool Family (Don Manning)
Fun FactsOn Our JourneyOver 40 petsOver 140 teeth lostOver 3,200 sporting events… and countingOver 50 overseas mission trips… and countingOver 44,000 diapers purchased… no more counting!