The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
Listen to our episodes on your favorite podcast platforms
Mom Perspective,
Raising Jesus Followers,
Family Vision,
Experiencing God's Love
Mom Perspective,
Raising Jesus Followers,
Family Vision,
Experiencing God's Love
279 | Parenting With the End in Mind, Dissecting the Nuances of Discipline, and Following God’s Plan for Your Family (Amanda Carrara)
Family Vision,
Rhythms & Habits,
Raising Jesus Followers
Family Vision,
Rhythms & Habits,
Raising Jesus Followers
206 | Gentleness, Humility & Unforced Rhythms (Matt Fogle)
"it's going to take intentionality and it's going to take you guarding your heart above all else. For from it flows living water. And this is meant to be an overflow journey, not one of scarcity, but one where you are being filled up daily to be poured out like a reservoir to fill your kids up and your wife and you can do it. And it's an invitation piece. It's not... God's not going to ever make you do this. You've got to take him up on his invitation."
Raising Jesus Followers,
Brotherhood & Mentorship,
Family Vision
Raising Jesus Followers,
Brotherhood & Mentorship,
Family Vision
128 | Zoom Fatigue, Racial Tensions & the Needed Upgrade (Wayne Francis)
Wayne and Claudene, who he calls “Classy”, have been married for 20 years and have two beautiful teenage daughters, Haleigh and Ryleigh. Wayne loves to cycle and takes great pleasure in turning any floor into a dance floor.