The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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041 | Forty Weeks Of AWESOMENESS (part 2)
We're on our second week of looking back over the past 40 weeks of dadAWESOME. We'll once again highlight six short clips from the fathers that we interviewed.
040 | Forty Weeks Of AWESOMENESS (part1)
This week we're looking back over the past 40 weeks of dadAWESOME and highlighting six short clips from the fathers that we interviewed. These are the 12 takeaways for this first edition of Forty Weeks Of AWESOMENESS.
033: Listen For Jesus' Voice & Do What He Says (John Wyatt)
This incredible conversation explores asking for forgiveness, praying for our kids to hear God's voice, honoring the Lord with our money and the parallels between surfing ocean waves and our role as fathers.
Patei Iyegha (episode 025)
Competitive obstacle racer, trauma surgeon and father of seven Patei Iyegha presents deep insights about leaning into hard things and chasing big visions as a family.