The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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100 | Building Launch Ramps & Becoming dadAWESOME (Jeff Zaugg)
Jeff and his wife Michelle have been married for almost 14 years and they have three amazing daughters (6, 3 and 1). Jeff is the KIDS Pastor at Substance Church and lives in the Twin Cities. Jeff started the dadAWESOME podcast 100 weeks ago.
99 | Fathered By God (Pablo Ceron PART 2)
This is PART 2 of a conversation with Pablo. He has been a speaker, teacher and leader of men’s ministry initiatives for over 10 years. He's also the Founder and President of Wldforce, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration of the hearts of God's people.
50 | The Heart of dadAWESOME (Jeff Zaugg)
Jeff Zaugg explains the vision and the heart of dadAWESOME >> LIVE FULLY ALIVE AS WE LEAD OUR KIDS TO GOD’S AWESOMENESS
Manhood, Courage & Adventure (episode 031 w/ Vince Miller)
Join us as author, speaker and founder, Vince Miller, shares about living every moment out of the character of Jesus and using any teachable moment as a moment to teach about God.
Speaking The Language Of Our Kids (Episode030 w/ Dave Adamson)
Online and Social Media Pastor Dave Adamson joins dadAWESOME and gives some unique insights into speaking a language our kids understand, unlocking laughter, play and love.