The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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204 | Measuring Legacy, Exploring Anger & Breaking Generational Patterns (Zack Curry)
Don't run away from it. Dive into that because in it, your pain, your weakness actually...Paul said that his power is made perfect and our weakness
203 | My Dad Was The Loudest (Simon Osamoh)
"My son knows because he can always hear me. What he remembers about his games is that my dad was the loudest. My dad was shouting, and it's intentional. The reason why I do that, I scream over every other father there because I want Mason to remember when I'm no longer there. His memory would be, You know what? My dad was the loudest... My dad was the loudest person at my game, and that's the memory, because that's what I never had."
199 | You Need To Dance (Wayne Francis)
"I think that all of us, as men have to put something in our calendar that scares the living daylights out of us"
192 | What You Must Teach Your Daughter Before She Turns 16 (Jackie Bledsoe)
So know that if you're in a hard season right now, just keep the course, stay the course, stay. not grow weary in well doing. But at the proper time You receive a harvest if you do not give up. So that's the word that I give to you dads as well. It can be tough right now, but keep doing things that you know are going to lead to the end that you want in your marriage and your fatherhood and your business, whatever it is, and trust that that harvest will come at some point.
189 | Pablo Ceron PART 2 | Discover Delight in What Your Child Delights In
Pablo talks through steps to healing and restoration: (1) Invite Jesus into the place in our hearts where we feel wronged, where life is unfair.... (2) Renounce the lie that life is up to me, that I will need to fight every battle because no one else will do it for me (3) Ask What is the truth?
188 | Pablo Ceron PART 1 - Living a Wild Adventure
"And part of the recovery of their heart is to recognize their need for adventure and and and and how adventure makes a man come come alive. We believe that men shouldn't be tamed, but should be given permission to be themselves and live with passion and live with freedom ."
187 | Jon Tyson on Skillful Manhood, Capturing First Moments & The Intentional Father
“I just have a path of intentionality that sets up the odds in your favor. And again, you can't control your son's heart, but you can fight for it. And this is a plan to fight for your son's future. And I believe that when we do that, we activate the heart of God's divine favor comes through our way, the Holy Spirit, gets involved and we're not on our own. And without it, I think you're left to chance and you’re left to the world.”
177 | Connecting Dads to The Father (Dr. Mark R. Pitts & Becky Thompson)
We don't just have a heavenly father that parents us. We have a heavenly father who fathers us.
170 | Intentional Letters, Heart Connection & A Vision For 50 Grandkids (Dr. Joe Sevlie & Tyler Sevlie)
"Don't live in your own understanding it, if you live in your own understanding, you're going to miss it. If you live it in God's understanding, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in his presence, he will make everything clear and he'll provide and he'll do his gig"
162 | Derek Johnson from Jesus Culture on Creating Heart Strings
"We should have this vision to have kids who are emotionally healthy and capable in their friendships and their marriages and their careers and we have to begin by doing the inner work ourselves"
161 | Dr. Efrem Smith on Cross-Cultural Relationships, Raising Champions & Modeling a "Sneak Preview" of Heaven
I've tried to model racial reconciliation and unity and diversity in front of my daughters. And I know that's impacted their relationships... Maybe that's one sign that I'm modeling something well in front of my kids, that they see my intentionality showing reconciled, beloved community in front of them. And so that's one way we can be a sneak preview of Heaven is in our relationships... allowing our kids to see that we're intentional about cross-cultural relationships.
152 | Dad Perspective from Thailand (Aaron Smith)
Aaron Smith was one of the founders of Venture, now living full time in Thailand as a missionary with his wife and nine year old and thirteen year old kids. He has a passion to resource dads both in Thailand and the US.
151 | Raising Spirit-Led Kids Part 2 (Seth Dahl)
He is known for his powerful wisdom communicated through a contagious joy and childlikeness. Seth and Lauren love to empower families to build a strong connection that fosters peace and creates a thriving family culture. Seth, Lauren and their three children homestead with a large garden and handful of animals on a small farm in Texas.
150 | Chasing the Dreams of Your Family (Jonathan Wiggins)
Jonathan Wiggins is a Christ follower who loves his wife, his family and his community of friends. Jonathan speaks, writes and mentors leaders. He is the lead pastor of in Loveland, Colorado.
147 | Jon Tyson on Intentional Fatherhood & Creating the Primal Path
"I wanted him in this liminal space. My goal was to irreparably break his heart for the poor of the world so he'd never just be a spoiled, complacent American ever - He'd always be haunted, because those years are so formative... I just wanted to get in there, God's heart for the poor."
143 | Inside Pretty, Modeling God & Speaking Life (Moses Ehambe)
After thirteen years of playing professional basketball all over the world, Moses is now the Senior Assistant to Athletic Director at Oral Robert University. Moses and Sarah have 5 kids. Living the DREAM one moment at a time.
142 | Banning Liebscher on Trusting God with Our Kids
"When I stop dreaming, when I stop allowing my heart to really dream about things that apart from God are impossible, I not longer kind of lean in, I begin to lean back. I don't engage, I disengage. And I would say the greatest thing in the world you could do for your kids is to be a dreamer that's pursuing what God has in your life."
141 | Three Takeaways from John Eldredge
How your heart’s doing affects everything else in your life. If your heart’s not doing well, you don’t love very well, if your heart’s not doing well you don’t have a lot of dreams. It is the epicenter.
134 | Facing the Blitz (Jeff Kemp)
Jeff is a quarterback for strengthening teams. After his 11-year career in the NFL, Jeff founded and led the Seattle-based national non-profit Stronger Families, dedicated to helping families thrive.
126 | Dads Who Dare To Dream (Banning Liebscher)
Banning’s passion is to see a generation of revivalists raised up who have encountered the extravagant love of Jesus and have given themselves for worldwide revival. He and his wife have three children, Ellianna, Raya, and Lake.