The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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213 | The Intentional Forty (Jeff Zaugg)
40 new experiences; things I've never done in my life... Instead of moving towards comfort and rhythms and things I've already done before, I am intentionally adding new things because I want to stay curious. I want to be a learner... I want to stay humble. I want to be in this growth mindset.
201| The 6 Pillars of Intimacy | PART 1 (Tony DiLorenzo)
It was not all rainbows and unicorns. We didn't know how to be married. We didn't know how to communicate with each other. We didn't know how to make our relationship a priority. We didn't know how to juggle being parents and being spouses. We didn't know to be each other's lover and truly in those moments with one another. We still don't know. We're still learning and growing.
192 | What You Must Teach Your Daughter Before She Turns 16 (Jackie Bledsoe)
So know that if you're in a hard season right now, just keep the course, stay the course, stay. not grow weary in well doing. But at the proper time You receive a harvest if you do not give up. So that's the word that I give to you dads as well. It can be tough right now, but keep doing things that you know are going to lead to the end that you want in your marriage and your fatherhood and your business, whatever it is, and trust that that harvest will come at some point.
189 | Pablo Ceron PART 2 | Discover Delight in What Your Child Delights In
Pablo talks through steps to healing and restoration: (1) Invite Jesus into the place in our hearts where we feel wronged, where life is unfair.... (2) Renounce the lie that life is up to me, that I will need to fight every battle because no one else will do it for me (3) Ask What is the truth?
186 | Bob Merritt PART 2 | Don't Miss the Moments
You might not know what to do. You might say some things wrong, but do not bail. Don't walk away, don't ignore the issue... Don't abdicate the responsibility of being a parent to the culture. You're the parent. God put you in that role for a reason and you might not know the exact thing to say or do.... but got to be there. You got to be present.
185 | Bob Merritt PART 1 -- How Courageous Intervention Saved His Family and Career
"So if I've got an anger issue, but I'm not seeing it. Will I have enough humility so. Will I have enough strength, Jeff, to ask somebody, 'Hey, will you help me see some things in my life?' See it's a person of strength who's willing to admit I've got an anger problem or I've got a spending problem. People of weakness, will never admit they have an issue."
153 | Marriage Tips, Mentorship & Neuroscience Awesomeness (Ted Lowe)
Ted Lowe is a speaker, an author, and the director of MarriedPeople, the marriage division at The reThink Group (also known as Orange), a non-profit organization devoted to influencing those who influence the next generation.
131 | Winning The War Within (Jason Vallotton)
Recovering mental health, Cultivating spiritual fathers, and Living with Hope.Jason Vallotton is the pastoral care overseer at Bethel Church in Redding, California and is a sought-after counselor, teacher, and speaker. Previously, he served for 10 years in the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry as a pastor, counselor, and overseer.wife Lauren live in Redding, California, and have 4 wonderful children.
127 | Father's Day Mic Flip (Jeff Zaugg)
A look at the genesis story of the past 127 weeks of dadAWESOME along with some of the backstory on Jeff Zaugg and what he has learned about fatherhood from nearly 100 dadAWESOME interviews.
123 | Faithfulness, Focus, Freedom & Fun (May 2020 dadNOTES)
We understand that the dad life is at times a very full life... Often it's easy to miss an episode or forget some of the key action steps from previous dadAWESOMe conversations. Episode 123 is a new rapid fire format with the top-3 takeaways from the past three episodes.
121 | Laughter, Shiny Eyes & an Awesome Marriage (Dr. Kim Kimberling)
Dr. Kim has been a professional counselor for over thirty years. He is President and co-founder of Awesome Marriage. Awesome Marriage reaches thousands of people each month with God’s plan for marriage and relationships. Dr. Kim has been married to his lovely wife Nancy for 50 years.
039 | Heart Issues, Family Bible Reading & Words That Build Up (Eric Iverson)
Eric Iverson joins dadAWESOME for a vulnerable conversation about leading his family in Bible reading, the importance of paying attention to his wife, and the tendency to focus on behavior-change instead of dealing with heart issues.