The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.

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227 | Intentional Fatherhood & Creating the Primal Path (Jon Tyson REPLAY)

“I wanted him in this liminal space. My goal was to irreparably break his heart for the poor of the world so he’d never just be a spoiled, complacent American ever – He’d always be haunted, because those years are so formative… I just wanted to get in there, God’s heart for the poor.”

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226 | Dads Who Dare To Dream (Banning Liebscher REPLAY)

“When I stop dreaming, when I stop allowing my heart to really dream about things that apart from God are impossible, I not longer kind of lean in, I begin to lean back. I don’t engage, I disengage. And I would say the greatest thing in the world you could do for your kids is to be a dreamer that’s pursuing what God has in your life.”

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198 | Speaking Blessings, Hearing God's Voice & Exposing our Kids to Missions (Seth Barnes)

There's greatness in you. There's amazing potential in you that you probably have not tapped and that God wants to tap. And he often uses our weaknesses. And that's where we're, you know, his strength shines through our weaknesses.

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187 | Jon Tyson on Skillful Manhood, Capturing First Moments & The Intentional Father

“I just have a path of intentionality that sets up the odds in your favor. And again, you can't control your son's heart, but you can fight for it. And this is a plan to fight for your son's future. And I believe that when we do that, we activate the heart of God's divine favor comes through our way, the Holy Spirit, gets involved and we're not on our own. And without it, I think you're left to chance and you’re left to the world.”

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186 | Bob Merritt PART 2 | Don't Miss the Moments

You might not know what to do. You might say some things wrong, but do not bail. Don't walk away, don't ignore the issue... Don't abdicate the responsibility of being a parent to the culture. You're the parent. God put you in that role for a reason and you might not know the exact thing to say or do.... but got to be there. You got to be present.

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179 | Mark Batterson – Win The Day (Part 2)

One thing I learned is you can't just set the goal, like you got to reverse engineer it and figure out what are the daily habits that are going to get you to those goals. And that's where the magic happens. That's where the hard work habits. And that really is the key to going after those goals. 

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172 | Family Discipleship - Raising Kids the World Will Hate (Adam Griffin)

"I'm trying to build in not only them to be receivers, but then to be leaders and already I'm thinking about them as fathers. I'm thinking about them as husbands. I'm not just thinking about them as my kids with some obligation I have to mention Jesus as we put them to bed. But I'm trying to grow men."

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151 | Raising Spirit-Led Kids Part 2 (Seth Dahl)

He is known for his powerful wisdom communicated through a contagious joy and childlikeness. Seth and Lauren love to empower families to build a strong connection that fosters peace and creates a thriving family culture. Seth, Lauren and their three children homestead with a large garden and handful of animals on a small farm in Texas.

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147 | Jon Tyson on Intentional Fatherhood & Creating the Primal Path

"I wanted him in this liminal space. My goal was to irreparably break his heart for the poor of the world so he'd never just be a spoiled, complacent American ever - He'd always be haunted, because those years are so formative... I just wanted to get in there, God's heart for the poor."

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146 | Mark Batterson on How to Win the Day as a Dad

“How are your kids going to learn how to say sorry, unless they learn how to apologize from you? So your mistakes are actually one of the greatest opportunities to teach your children one of life’s most important lessons….I think it starts with prioritizing our children. Not idolizing. Prioritizing. Big difference there.”

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144 | Dancing On a Rooftop, Sabbatical Prayer & Freedom From Sexual Sin (Jeremy Shelton)

A Christian man in sexual sin…is muzzled. This muzzle renders him passive and powerless to participate in the Kingdom of God on this earth. It prevents him from becoming the man, husband, father, and witness he is called to be. This spiritual restraint mutes his connection to God. Worse, it incapacitates him from fulfilling his God-given purpose.

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136 | Normalizing Prayer, Adoption Miracles & Rad Adventures (Adam Weber Part 2)

Adam is the founder and lead pastor of Embrace, a multi-site church based out of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Author of Talking With God and Love Has A Name, he also hosts a podcast called The Conversation.

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133 | Raising Kids with a Global Perspective (David Goundry)

Passionate about global missions through OneHope, David discusses raising third-culture kids, traveling as a family, raising teenagers, and helping his kids become friends with anyone. He strives to live life and parent with intentionality, and believes in surrounding himself with mentors. 

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126 | Dads Who Dare To Dream (Banning Liebscher)

Banning’s passion is to see a generation of revivalists raised up who have encountered the extravagant love of Jesus and have given themselves for worldwide revival. He and his wife have three children, Ellianna, Raya, and Lake.

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