167 | David Horsager on Trusted Leadership for Dads


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David Horsager

David Horsager is the CEO of Trust Edge Leadership Institute, national bestselling author of The Trust Edge and The Daily Edge, inventor of the Enterprise Trust Index™, and director of one of the nation's foremost trust studies: The Trust Outlook™.His work has been featured in prominent publications such as Fast Company, Forbes, The Huffington Post and The Wall Street Journal. David has delivered life-changing presentations on six continents, with audiences ranging everywhere from FedEx, Toyota and global governments to the New York Yankees and the Department of Homeland Security.Get free resources and more at www.DavidHorsager.com, www.TrustEdge.com, and www.TrustEdgeCoaching.com


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Show Notes:

  • 1:53 - LINK TO DAVID's 1st time on dadAWESOME - https://dadawesome.org/138/

  •  3:55 - Praxis Labs Resources https://www.praxislabs.org/

  • 4:45 - New insights as a dad

  • 5:17 - "See the good, say the good, share the good."

  • 9:24 - David's 2020 reflection video - "15 Things I Learned In 2020 That I Can Use Forever" -

  • 10:01 - "Reflection allows space for God to speak to us."

  • 12:01 - Rhythms of rest and pause

  • 13:41 - Pacem in Terris - Hermitage retreat center

  • 17:33 - SEEDS - Sleep, Exercise, Eat right, Drink water, Source of strength

  • 20:24 - "People that are leading well, actually have a source of strength beyond themselves. And they're better at work. If people are getting all their life from work, they're worse at work."

  • 21:16 - "Inputs, always lead to outputs"

  • 22:13 - Phil 4:8 - Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.'

  • 24:28 - The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson 

  • 26:06 - Discussing inputs as a dad that lead to great outputs

  • 26:07 - "Quantity time builds quality time."

  • 28:08 - Pathway to Purity 

  • 31:04 - David's new book: The Trusted Leader

  • 33:22 - Trust Edge - David's bestselling book.

  • 34:32 - Faith-based module about what God's saying about trust. - Email the team for this resource. Anne (at) trustedge (dot) com

  • 34:58 - Trustedleaderbook.com/dadAWESOME

  • 35:41 - How dads can be difference makers.

  • 36:09 - Making a list of 5 DMA's (difference-making actions) for each day. Ask: What are the difference-making actions today to drive our mission, to do what we're supposed to be called to do today? What are the most important things?

  • 37:52 - One thing that consistently comes to mind is consistency, which is the final pillar of the Trust Edge Framework. And...as a dad or a leader, little things done consistently make the biggest difference, not the big things you thought... Little things done consistently make the biggest difference.

Episode Links:

Full Transcript:

Episode 167 Transcript


168 | Dads of Influence vs. Control (Dr. Peter Larson)


166 | Embrace The Pain & Find Strength Through Brotherhood (Rob Champion)