The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.

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170 | Intentional Letters, Heart Connection & A Vision For 50 Grandkids (Dr. Joe Sevlie & Tyler Sevlie)

"Don't live in your own understanding it, if you live in your own understanding, you're going to miss it. If you live it in God's understanding, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in his presence, he will make everything clear and he'll provide and he'll do his gig"

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146 | Mark Batterson on How to Win the Day as a Dad

“How are your kids going to learn how to say sorry, unless they learn how to apologize from you? So your mistakes are actually one of the greatest opportunities to teach your children one of life’s most important lessons….I think it starts with prioritizing our children. Not idolizing. Prioritizing. Big difference there.”

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142 | Banning Liebscher on Trusting God with Our Kids

"When I stop dreaming, when I stop allowing my heart to really dream about things that apart from God are impossible, I not longer kind of lean in, I begin to lean back. I don't engage, I disengage. And I would say the greatest thing in the world you could do for your kids is to be a dreamer that's pursuing what God has in your life."

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133 | Raising Kids with a Global Perspective (David Goundry)

Passionate about global missions through OneHope, David discusses raising third-culture kids, traveling as a family, raising teenagers, and helping his kids become friends with anyone. He strives to live life and parent with intentionality, and believes in surrounding himself with mentors. 

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131 | Winning The War Within (Jason Vallotton)

Recovering mental health, Cultivating spiritual fathers, and Living with Hope.Jason Vallotton is the pastoral care overseer at Bethel Church in Redding, California and is a sought-after counselor, teacher, and speaker. Previously, he served for 10 years in the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry as a pastor, counselor, and overseer.wife Lauren live in Redding, California, and have 4 wonderful children.

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115 | Choose Greatness (Dr. Clarence Shuler)

Dr. Clarence and Brenda are parents to three young adult daughters (he’s the minority in their sorority), author, marriage counselor, speaker, and life & relationship coach. He is the President/CEO of BLR: Building Lasting Relationships. For nearly 35 years, Clarence and Brenda have conducted marriage, discipleship, men’s, women’s, and single seminars internationally.

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108 | Intentional Fatherhood & Radical Mentoring (Regi Campbell Revisited)

Regi is a serial entrepreneur who has founded 15 companies and has now devoted this phase of his life to creating a mentoring approach that produces incredible leaders and deep discipleship.  Last Summer he was leading his 18th mentoring group and he has now personally invested in 144 men and indirectly, in their marriages and families.

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107 | Fatherhood insights from the life of Abraham (Jeremy Pryor Revisited)

Jeremy Pryor is a business owner, creative entrepreneur, author, podcaster and a builder of multiple movements with family at the core. We’re incredibly thankful for this conversation with Jeremy about his time in Jerusalem, welcoming his children into creative roles in his company and the long term iterating of their family sabbath. 

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105 | Wisdom, Mentorship & Being Present (Edrin Williams Revisited)

Edrin Williams joins dadAWESOME for our 3rd segment of our "Best Of" winter throwback series. This episode was originally recorded on Valentines Day of 2019. This conversation challenges us to enjoy the journey and love our kids from a place of being loved by our Heavenly Father. Edrin is the Senior Pastor at The Sanctuary Covenant Church in Minneapolis and with his wife Shanequa they have two beautiful girls, Taylor 9 & Harper 3.

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94 | The Big Ski Family (Chad Johnson)

Chad Johnson is a CEO, Entrepreneur, Coach, Speaker, Husband and Father of 11. His family has taken on the role of Global Ski Ambassadors and their vision is to introduce 1 MILLION families to the joy of skiing together. This dadAWESOME conversation covers clarifying priorities/values, the benefits of working hard as a family and the life changing freedom that is available to every dad through breaking the chains of sexual sin.

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88 | Scheduling Adventure, Encouraging Entrepreneurship & Living Your Story (John Bolin)

John Bolin is an entrepreneur and storyteller passionate about encouraging others to use their talent to create opportunities to be remarkable and make an exponential impact. As a speaker and consultant, he works with companies to help them clarify and amplify the stories of their customers. With over twenty years of experience in theater, publishing, and film, John is a trusted voice on faith and culture.

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