The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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192 | What You Must Teach Your Daughter Before She Turns 16 (Jackie Bledsoe)
So know that if you're in a hard season right now, just keep the course, stay the course, stay. not grow weary in well doing. But at the proper time You receive a harvest if you do not give up. So that's the word that I give to you dads as well. It can be tough right now, but keep doing things that you know are going to lead to the end that you want in your marriage and your fatherhood and your business, whatever it is, and trust that that harvest will come at some point.
191 | Resilience, Empowerment & a Measurement of a Good Father (Ken Castor)
The measurement of a good father is not based upon the behavior and outcome of the children. The measurement of the good father is, does he reflect God, the father, and the character and the heart that all of his children would be in relationship with him at home."
179 | Mark Batterson – Win The Day (Part 2)
One thing I learned is you can't just set the goal, like you got to reverse engineer it and figure out what are the daily habits that are going to get you to those goals. And that's where the magic happens. That's where the hard work habits. And that really is the key to going after those goals.
178 | Mark Batterson - Win The Day (Part 1)
Every move we make, every risk we take sets the stage for someone else. Your brave is someone else's breakthrough.
175 | Patterns of Healthy Dads (Matt Norman)
"I just I can't emphasize enough for myself and other people that I've journeyed with the value of finding authentic people that are willing to tell the truth and have grace and love in that."
165 | Men of the Kingdom (Dean Stinchfield PART 2)
Have courage. Pray dangerous prayers. What kind of mission do I have for my life? Take risks. Fail often and early. Don't be a critic. Be an encourager.
164 | Be the "Dad in the Arena"(Dean Stinchfield PART 1)
"That which we focus on tends to multiply....find the best parts of your spouse or the best parts of your kid and focus on those because they'll tend to expand. Either in your vision but also in your life."
160 | Raising Passionate Jesus Followers (Phil Comer & Brook Mosser)
"Anything lasting, anything of eternal value, anything of substance, we can't do without Him. But as far as the big picture....we parent out of relationship - our relationship with God and our relationship with our kids and life, it's a rhythm, and God designed it that way."
152 | Dad Perspective from Thailand (Aaron Smith)
Aaron Smith was one of the founders of Venture, now living full time in Thailand as a missionary with his wife and nine year old and thirteen year old kids. He has a passion to resource dads both in Thailand and the US.
147 | Jon Tyson on Intentional Fatherhood & Creating the Primal Path
"I wanted him in this liminal space. My goal was to irreparably break his heart for the poor of the world so he'd never just be a spoiled, complacent American ever - He'd always be haunted, because those years are so formative... I just wanted to get in there, God's heart for the poor."
144 | Dancing On a Rooftop, Sabbatical Prayer & Freedom From Sexual Sin (Jeremy Shelton)
A Christian man in sexual sin…is muzzled. This muzzle renders him passive and powerless to participate in the Kingdom of God on this earth. It prevents him from becoming the man, husband, father, and witness he is called to be. This spiritual restraint mutes his connection to God. Worse, it incapacitates him from fulfilling his God-given purpose.
131 | Winning The War Within (Jason Vallotton)
Recovering mental health, Cultivating spiritual fathers, and Living with Hope.Jason Vallotton is the pastoral care overseer at Bethel Church in Redding, California and is a sought-after counselor, teacher, and speaker. Previously, he served for 10 years in the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry as a pastor, counselor, and overseer.wife Lauren live in Redding, California, and have 4 wonderful children.
124 | Becoming Wholehearted (Morgan Snyder)
Morgan Snyder is a strategist, entrepreneur, teacher, writer, and speaker. His passion is to both be shaped by and shape the men and women who are shaping the kingdom of God.
117 | John Eldredge on Slowing Down & Recovering Your Heart
John Eldredge is an author, a counselor, and a teacher. He is also president of Ransomed Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God's love, and learn to live in God's Kingdom. John and Stasi live in Colorado Springs and he loves the outdoors passionately.
100 | Building Launch Ramps & Becoming dadAWESOME (Jeff Zaugg)
Jeff and his wife Michelle have been married for almost 14 years and they have three amazing daughters (6, 3 and 1). Jeff is the KIDS Pastor at Substance Church and lives in the Twin Cities. Jeff started the dadAWESOME podcast 100 weeks ago.
97 | Reject Passivity & Lead with Courage (David Robbins)
As 17-year veterans of Cru, David and Meg Robbins have served in a variety of capacities, including team leaders in Pisa, Italy, campus directors at the University of Georgia, national director of Campus Field Ministries in campuses across Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi, national facilitator launching Cru’s Millennials Ministry in NYC, and now President of FamilyLife since 2017. They live in Little Rock, AR with their four children—Ford, Mim, Roe and Mac.
81 | Adjust the Pace, Live w/ SELF-CONTROL & Hear God's Voice (Tim Bohlke)
To finish out this summer's Fruit of the Spirit 9-part series, we have Tim Bohlke joining us to discuss the theme of Self-Control. Tim is a husband, a father, a grandfather, a disrupter, and dreamer. He has spent three decades investing in leaders and helping forge a new path that will serve leaders, their families, and their organizations well. As the executive director of a large youth ministry, a pastor, teacher, coach, counselor, and founder of Harbor, Tim has continued to pursue SPACE and seek Thin Places where he can be refreshed and restored.
78 | Life-Giving Fatherhood & the Goodness of our Heavenly Father (Tyler Reagin)
This is the sixth part of our summer Fruit of the Spirit series and our guest Tyler Reagin explores the topic of GOODNESS... Tyler was the President of Catalyst, a leadership development organization that exists to unify and equip leaders who love the Church through resources and experiential events. He remains the Brand Ambassador and also runs his own leadership company called The Life Giving CO. (
73 | LOVE - Fruits Week 1 (Paul Van Coller)
This episode kicks off our dadAWESOME 9-part series on the Fruit Of The Spirit as described in Galatians 5:22-23. Paul Van Coller is a phenomenal communicator of God’s Word and the pastor of Hope Church in George, South Africa. He is a great storyteller and inspires people to have more faith and risk more for God. His passion is planting churches in all corners of the world.