The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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156 | Peter Haas Rapid Fire Dad Wisdom (Part 2 of 3)
Pastor Peter Haas came to know the Lord while working as an EDM rave DJ in a nightclub. Since that day, he has traveled the world, sharing his radical conversion story and calling others to experience the same joy and power.
155 | Peter Haas on Maximizing Intentional Parenting During the "Golden Window" (Part 1 of 3)
"Parenting is a series of 2000 conversations and I say 2000, I'm making up that number, but it's actually not just 2000 conversations. It's 2000 conversations, demonstrations and impartations."
149 | Chaos, Creativity & Living Into Your Story (Allen Arnold)
Allen Arnold is an author, speaker, and Executive Producer of Content for Wild at Heart. His passion is awakening people’s hearts to pursue their dreams and creativity with God. He loves blue oceans, black coffee, hot salsa, and big ideas.
138 | The Trust Edge. Applying 8 Pillars of Trust to the Dad Life (David Horsager)
David Horsager is the leading expert on trust and how it’s built into everything from individuals and organizations to global governments.
133 | Raising Kids with a Global Perspective (David Goundry)
Passionate about global missions through OneHope, David discusses raising third-culture kids, traveling as a family, raising teenagers, and helping his kids become friends with anyone. He strives to live life and parent with intentionality, and believes in surrounding himself with mentors.
131 | Winning The War Within (Jason Vallotton)
Recovering mental health, Cultivating spiritual fathers, and Living with Hope.Jason Vallotton is the pastoral care overseer at Bethel Church in Redding, California and is a sought-after counselor, teacher, and speaker. Previously, he served for 10 years in the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry as a pastor, counselor, and overseer.wife Lauren live in Redding, California, and have 4 wonderful children.
122 | Slingshot Surrender & Planted Like a Palm Tree (Jordan Durso)
Best known as Marissa Angelique & Isabella’s Dad. Jordan is also the Executive Director of The Legacy Center where they are relentless about moving people forward to achieve their ultimate potential.
112 | Harold and the Purple Crayon (Paul Hurckman Revisited)
Paul and his wife, Candace, have 4 children (2 bigs and 2 littles) and they live in Minneapolis where they love to bike, run and host popsicle extravaganza gatherings for their neighborhood. Paul is the Executive Director at Venture Expeditions.
111 | Media Mentor Dads (Jonathan McKee Revisited)
With over 20 years youth ministry experience, Jonathan speaks to parents and leaders worldwide. He’s the author of over twenty books including the brand new THE TEEN’S GUIDE TO SOCIAL MEDIA & MOBILE DEVICES and IF I HAD A PARENTING DO OVER.
106 | Listen For Jesus’ Voice & Do What He Says (John Wyatt Revisited)
John Wyatt lives in Jacksonville, FL with his wife Carrie (21 years married) and two teenage daughters (14 & 17). He has been serving for over 10 years at Celebration Church and is currently an Executive Pastor. This incredible conversation explores asking for forgiveness, praying for our kids to hear God’s voice, honoring the Lord with our money and the parallels between surfing ocean waves and our role as fathers.
67 | Model Wonder or Become an Inflexible Sour Puss (Steve Argue)
Steve Argue is associate professor of youth, family, and culture at Fuller Theological Seminary and applied research strategist at the Fuller Youth Institute. Steve researches, speaks, and writes regularly on topics surrounding adolescence, emerging adulthood, faith, and spiritual struggle. This is the 4th conversation in our Creativity Month (April 2019).
65 | The Myth of Balance (Frank Bealer)
We're thrilled to have Frank Bealer joining us for part 2 of our Creativity Month. Frank is the Executive Director of Leadership Development at Orange / The reThink Group and CEO of Phase Family Centers. Prior to Orange he was the Family Pastor at Elevation Church in Charlotte North Carolina where he oversaw family ministry at more than a dozen locations. He recently released his first book, “The Myth of Balance”.
047 | Moment Maker Dads Part 2 (Carlos Whittaker)
This second part of the Moment Maker Dads conversation with Carlos Whittaker explores waking ourselves up to living our life rather than letting life live you.
046 | Moment Maker Dads Part 1 (Carlos Whittaker)
Carlos Whittaker joins dadAWESOME for a 2-part interview to kick off the Moment Maker Dads theme for the month of December. This vulnerable conversation explores the power of words, living as a Great Commission family, the powerful example of his father and finding freedom through identifying lies hidden deep in our hearts.
043 | Inside-Out Dad Life Week 2 (Matt Keller)
Join Matt Keller for Part 2 as he dives deeper into Inside-Out Dad Life and inspires us to lead and parent from a full and vibrant heart.
042 | Inside-Out Dad Life Week 1 (Matt Keller)
Join Matt Keller as he inspires dads to lead and parent from a full and vibrant heart.
039 | Heart Issues, Family Bible Reading & Words That Build Up (Eric Iverson)
Eric Iverson joins dadAWESOME for a vulnerable conversation about leading his family in Bible reading, the importance of paying attention to his wife, and the tendency to focus on behavior-change instead of dealing with heart issues.
038: Pursuing Shalom, Chasing Dreams & Being All-On-Dad (Paul Hurckman)
Paul and his wife Candace have 4 children (2 bigs and 2 littles) and they live in Minneapolis where they love to bike, run and host popsicle extravaganza gatherings for their neighborhood. Paul is the Executive Director at Venture Expeditions.
036: Road Trips, Fatherlessness & The Hip Hop Family (Korey "XROSS" Dean)
Korey “XROSS” Dean joins dadAWESOME to discuss fatherlessness, cultivating a path for his kids and allowing God to reshape how we process information.
035: Building a Legacy of Boldness (Jono Zantingh)
Join Pastor Jono Zantingh as he brings incredible insights to stepping into ministry as a family while launching and leaning into new things.