The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.

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373 | Partnering with God to Raise Your Kids, Slowing Down, and Finding Rest in the Tension (Jay Heck & Rob Porter: Part 1)

Jeff Zaugg and Rob Porter sit down with Jay Heck for a powerful, three-way conversation on fatherhood. In Part 1, they dive into the tension between being a provider and still embracing curiosity, adventure, and childlike wonder. They also unpack the unique triune relationship between a father, God, and his child.

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366 | Training Dads, Leading Fatherhood Initiatives, and Restoring the Value of Fatherhood (Ron Hauenstein)

In the second half of this conversation, Justin Whitmel Earley shares the rest of his core daily habits, including prayer, time with friends, and date nights with his wife. Plus, he introduces the Hang Ten Movement. As technology continues to impact spiritual discipleship, these 10 simple practices can help you raise your kids to use technology for good. 

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364 | Bedtime Blessings, Birthday Letters, and 5 Simple but Life-Changing Habits (Justin Whitmel Earley: Part 1)

Justin Whitmel Earley is back with creative fatherhood tips, powerful daily rituals, and his top five habits for dads. From writing yearly letters to your kids to starting every day with Scripture, this episode is packed with wisdom to help you lead your family with love and intentionality. 

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362 | The Cathedral Mentality, Aligning Your Words with God’s Truth, and 12 Prayers to Unlock Your Child’s Destiny (Chuck Ramsey)

God didn’t call you to play it safe; He called you to take risks. In today’s episode, Chuck Ramsey will challenge you to shift your mindset and parent with a long-term vision. He’ll inspire you to take bold steps and speak God’s truth over your kids to help them reach their destiny. 

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361 | Top 10 DadAwesome Discoveries in 2024 (Jeff Zaugg)

As the year wraps up, we’ve pulled together the Top 10 DadAwesome Discoveries to help you grow as an intentional, empowered father. This rapid-fire list includes books, boot camps, breath prayers, and more! Tune in, take notes, and get inspired to level up your fatherhood journey. 

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360 | Surrounding Your Kids with Mentors, Modeling Adventure, and Making Memories with Your Own Dad (Ben Bevis)

Ben Bevis joins today’s episode with practical tips for helping your kids embrace their God-given identity, gifts, and vision. He’ll inspire you to make more memories with your own dad and identify committed mentors for your children. Don’t miss Ben’s insights on healing generational wounds, modeling adventure, and strengthening your relationship with your kids. 

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359 | Creating Meaningful Pathways, Never Missing a Birthday, and Making God Your Center of Gravity (Roy Harley)

Roy Harley loves surfing and Christian ministry, but he’s learned the importance of putting his family first, even when it seems unreasonable. In this conversation, Roy shares practical ways he’s created meaningful connections with his kids. He also opens up about navigating the uncharted teen years with his kids and looking to God as the ultimate example of fatherhood.

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358 | Becoming Who You Want to Be, Engaging in the Now, and Tent-Bound Poetry (Aaron McHugh: Part 2)

In the second half of this conversation, Aaron McHugh dives deeper into how to become the dad you want to be with practical, bite-sized steps. Aaron also shares his poem “Tent-Bound,” a beautiful reflection on navigating uncertainty and embracing new horizons.

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356 | Putting Christ Over Career, Doing “Satan Checks,” and Establishing Ground Zero (Cameron Arnett)

In this episode, award-winning actor and speaker Cameron Arnett shares his story of choosing Jesus over Hollywood and how that decision shaped his future. Tune in to discover key principles for staying strong in your faith, doing “Satan checks” when your marriage is under attack, and trusting God to fulfill His promises. 

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354 | Patriarchal Thinking, 30-Second Investments, and the Ministry of Presence (Vince Miller: Part 1)

Six months ago, Vince Miller became a first-time grandfather. He joins today’s episode to share personal insights around multigenerational thinking, assuming the role of patriarch, and the power of being physically, mentally, and emotionally available to your kids. 

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353 | Setting a Good Example, Growing by Going, and Overcoming Racial Barriers (Elmo Winters)

Being a dad doesn’t stop when your kids grow up. As Reverend Elmo Winters shares in this episode, your kids constantly watch what you do, so the example you set will shape their future. Tune in to hear an important conversation about intentionality, racial reconciliation, and kingdom-focused living. 

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352 | Processing Trauma, Investigating Experiences, and Re-Storying Your Past (Chris Bruno)

As a licensed professional counselor and dad of three, Chris Bruno is acutely aware of how childhood trauma can impact your fatherhood approach. In this conversation, Chris describes the importance of processing your experiences with others, finding healing from the past, and becoming deeply rooted in brotherhood as you raise your kids. 

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349 | Diving Deep Into Brotherhood, Finding Beauty in Your Mess, and the Foxhole Symphony Illustration (Steve Sargent)

What does it mean to go beyond shallow community and find real brotherhood? In this episode, Steve Sargent describes how God turned every part of his story—even the messiest parts—into a beautiful symphony. From overcoming addiction to learning to live authentically, Steve shares powerful wisdom for all dads, no matter your past. 

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347 | Staying Nimble, Coaching Kids, and Escaping Your Comfort Zone (Corey Peters)

What does it mean to stay nimble as a father? In today’s episode, Corey Peters offers his perspective and will push you to break out of your comfort zone to make a difference for your community. Plus, you’ll discover one simple question that can transform your relationship with your kids. 

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345 | Anger Autopsies, Learning From Others, and Your Fatherhood Swiss Army Knife (Kent Evans)

Every father needs the right tools to raise his kids well, and Kent Evans likes to use the analogy of a Swiss Army Knife. His main blades include asking thoughtful questions, seeking wisdom from others, and staying rooted in God’s Word. Tune in now to discover why anger isn’t an effective parenting strategy—and what you should do instead. 

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344 | Growing in Sonship, Reaching Men Through Breaking, and Being Known in Your Struggle (Michael Swalley)

Michael Swalley joins this episode to share the unexpected connections between breakdancing and fatherhood. Tune in to hear Michael’s thoughts on the battle against busyness, the power of your wife’s voice, and the value of being known by others. As you embrace your identity as a son of God, you’ll experience the freedom to be the father you are meant to be. 

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343 | Breaking Chains, Being Strengthened in The Forge, and Multiplying Your Discipleship Efforts (Alex and Stephen Kendrick) 

Alex and Stephen Kendrick of Kendrick Brothers Productions have created some of the most influential Christian feature films, including WAR ROOM, FIREPROOF, and COURAGEOUS. With their new movie about to hit the box office, Alex and Stephen share what God is teaching them about discipleship, sacrifice, and being forged into stronger men and fathers.

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342 | DA+3 Group Guide: Seth Dahl

God has given fathers unique duties that they can't pass off to anyone else—not even the Church. In this DA+3 Group Guide, Seth Dahl encourages fathers to step up to the plate in the spiritual formation of their kids. You'll be challenged to avoid false comforts, pay attention to your thoughts, and discover what brings you joy.

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340 | DA+3 Group Guide: Jeremy Pryor

The way you parent today impacts multiple generations. In this week’s DA+3 Group Guide, you’ll hear Jeremy Pryor’s vision for multi-generational families with a clear identity. Get instant ideas to foster family relationships, train your children for their future roles, and integrate your work into your fatherhood role.

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335 | 35 Tips to Establish Brotherhood with a DA+3 Group (Jeff Zaugg)

Intention is meaningless without action. This year, be the man who steps up to create a DA+3 group. It’s as simple as getting three dads to join you. Extend invitations, build friendships, and keep going when it’s tough. Your family’s future depends on it.

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334 | Heroic Consistency, Getting Hungry for God, and Being a Safe Container for Grief (Bryan Byrd: Part 2)

Dads were never meant to take on fatherhood alone. In fact, Bryan Byrd argues that isolation is against God's will for your life. Instead, you'll need to connect with others and get hungry for the Holy Spirit. In this episode, Bryan offers encouragement to help you get started.

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333 | Betting on Yourself, Relearning How to Parent, and Doing Hard Things (Bryan Byrd: Part 1)

Everyone has a story to tell, and every story matters. In the first half of our conversation, Bryan Byrd describes the role of a troubadour. He emphasizes the value of prioritizing heart-to-heart connections, loving yourself the way God loves you, and being flexible about your approach to fatherhood.

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331 | Fighting Shadows, Leveraging Your Season, and Asking Curious Questions (Jon Tyson)

Jon Tyson is back for the third time! In this episode, he uncovers the seven lies that hold men back from becoming fully alive. You'll discover the strategies Satan uses to keep you distracted and passive, and you'll be inspired to embrace your current season and ask curious questions for the sake of others.

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330 | Restoring Brotherhood, Facing Fears, and the 7 Dragons Every Man Must Slay (Danny Silk: Part 2)

In the second half of this conversation, Danny Silk shares the seven “dragons,” or fears, that all men must slay. From confronting self-doubt to navigating competition among other men, Danny explores what holds most men back and how you can take immediate action. Plus, you’ll discover the importance of community and brotherhood in your journey to becoming a dragon slayer.

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325 | Discovering Your Child's Purpose, Nurturing Independence, and Prophesying Over Them (Dean Deguara)

In this episode, Dean Deguara reflects on how he identified his children's purpose through prayer and prophecy. He details the practical ways he and his wife raised their kids to be resilient and bold, from bedtime prayers to meaningful car ride conversations and more.

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324 | Calling Out Your Child Through Ceremonies, Rites of Passage, and Spoken Blessings (Michael Warren: Part 2)

One day, your child will transition into a young adult. Fathers play an essential role in recognizing those moments through ceremony and celebration. In the second half of this conversation, Michael Warren explores how dads can support their children by welcoming them into a larger community and fostering a sense of belonging.

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323 | Guiding Sons into Manhood, Defining Masculinity, And Four Principles of a REAL Man (Michael Warren: Part 1)

Michael Warren is passionate about equipping fathers and mentors to guide young boys into manhood. His goal is to facilitate adventure moments that give sons an answer to the question, “When did I become a man?” In part one of this conversation, Michael describes how dads can define and model the timeless principles of manhood to their kids.

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322 | Viewing Fatherhood as an Adventure, Owning Your Stuff, and Getting Unstuck (Ian Smith)

Ian Smith joins us in this episode with passionate ideas to help dads enjoy fatherhood more. He shares his habits of looking for adventure in the challenge, asking hard questions, and taking ownership of mistakes. His energetic spirit will help you reframe your perspective on parenting so you can show up with renewed purpose.

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321 | Inviting God Into Your Pain, Cleaning Up Messes, and Living with Peace (Jeremy Morris: Part 2)

Our conversation with Jeremy Morris continues as he shares insight on healing unprocessed pain, rebuilding relationships, and cultivating peace. Jeremy's healing journey wasn't quick or easy, but through his experiences, you'll see God's faithfulness in restoring his family.

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